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The knight and the witch perked up in surprise. She said something, but was overlooked by Alsindad's booming voice, "Really? How old were we? My parents were there?"

The giant nodded, "Allen and Aurora were good friends of the royal family. We all were around the same age. Your parents had married a year before Galasia's were. You two were born on the same day, the first of the year."

Kit watched them gawk in surprise. Alsin combed a hand through his hair and chuckled, "Unbelievable. What else Galiathan? Continue."

"You two were three of age when Edrich entered. For both of your safety we all hid at Allen's house until Darren sent for me and Galasia to return. A week later, the message came, and we went back to a new terror. Everyone looked pale as if they'd been sucked out of life. An agreement was made. We all could live in the palace, the Moss family would rule, but Edrich would be the king. Of course, he had other plans. See we eventually found out that Edrich could have no children. Who knows why? He wanted to marry Galasia when she was old enough. I was against it, but he had control over her father's mind."

"What about her mother?" Alsindad asked and Galasia nodded as if it was what she wanted to say.

"Here's an important fact about Soothers. We all are born with a special gift, yes, and we all have one frailty. However, when it comes to using our powers against another soother it's very hard to do without some concentration. Also it's hard for us to kill one another directly."

"Wait." Alsin said remembering something. He pointed to Galasia. "I tried killing her by stabbing her in the heart."

"What? I told you not to-,"

"I know. Lemme finish. When I did, she burst into black smog or something. I thought it was her witchcraft."

Galasia said something and nodded. Galiathan grunted reading her lips, "It's not an evil thing. It's something that just happens. No one knows why. Other times we don't die, but heal very slowly and painfully."

The knight and the witch exchanged unusual glances and refrained from saying anything else.

"So because I and Queen Terra were Soothers along with Allen, Edrich couldn't do everything he wanted to do. But because Darren was king he had the power to make most calls especially when it dealt with their child's betrothal. So it was officialized. I could do nothing, but try to plan a way to save everyone. Everywhere I traveled, no one wanted to help. They were too afraid of Edrich and Javana. When I returned after a year or so, things had changed for the worse. Darren was said to have killed himself, but I deny that."

Kit gasped, "Really?"

"Yeah. I was denied access inside the palace, but I'm a Veil. I entered anyways invisible." He said shaking his head in disgrace. "I looked all over the palace for Terra and Galasia. I found them in the dungeons. I spoke with Terra for a while although she had lost her mind a bit. I don't know what they were feeding her but she acted not like herself."

"Was it a lime green drink?" Kit asked.

The giant looked at him and nodded. "Something strange like that. How did you figure?"

"I met someone at the palace. The king's new wife-to-be named Hansel."

"He's remarrying already? What about Queen Tilia?" Alsin asked.

"He does that often. Marry women and they and the babies would die," Galiathan said.

"He called it a curse. A curse which Nightingale had casted," Alsin said glancing at the gold eyed woman.

"A lie. No one knows what's wrong with him," Galiathan said shaking his head. "Who is this girl you spoke of?"

"Hansel. She's from Iceburn. They have her living in the dungeons too. The last I saw her she was being fed a lime colored drink that made her lose her memory and act childish."

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