Chapter 1

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Zen's Journal:

Notes and what not.:The devil and 2nd ranked are simply evil angels betrayers of the Lord ... .Though humans jumping to their lame conclusions assume there is no reason for there to be a Hell or devil.. What they don't understand is that there is a reason. When mixing those who have not been learned for their wrong doings will most likely hurt those who do not deserve to be hurt. When Hell doesn't exist the bad will not be able to pass to Heaven or what most call it the afterlife they will have to walk the Earth as a lost soul for eternity which gives them the chance to harm one another & possibly to even revive back to life. Well that's all to my knowledge .. it's been  months since my last slumber..   The real dealer of this hell is Ash-allayn. No-one knows his true name, so many just refer to him Ash.

1.Satan                  2.Lucifer                3.Asmodeus              4.Beelzebub                5.Belial              6.Mefistofeles

all 6 of these powerful demons work under Ash. Humans only guess that these are just names for the devil when really they're the names of those who are almost as powerful as him. They are known as 2nd ranked demons. there many ranks though for the spawn of the devil are known as the 1.5 group.

Each one of the 2nd ranked has atleast 2 children and most likely more if they even live past infancy..They are civil and very much understanding the reason of there needing to be a Hell.. They are also 2nd rank group below the real Devil & his children.

 They help with judging of souls who need to be and also help determine if a soul will or will not be much pain they'll need and what punishment they'd receive. The children of Ash-allyn and the 2nd ranked's children ...are scattered through out the world. I am not one of them though I have met a few and they seem to be just normal humans to others but to most you can just tell who's children they are.. it's kind a  sad. 

Another thing is that this world is full of demons,witches,goblins, and werewolves of such,though humans cannot see them.  Many walk among  humans.. I am very much surprised how civil these creatures are.. you know besides those souls of dead humans that are being punished .. Ash just happened to be my friend for years & the last person I would expect to be the Devil.

So here I am lost,confused, and scared because I don't really know where to go and have no idea who to trust anymore.. I am scared to return home because I'm not sure if the people I love and care for will be safe..I miss them all deeply and wish to talk and hug them as I once did when I was still alive. Usually back when I was a human I would only wish for more money,drugs,games,and to get away from my family... Now the only thing I want is to go back and be with them & change my ways so I would be able to live a happy life with those I love & adore..

-Tears kept coming & going as kept writing. Zen a 16 yr old boy whom loves both drugs & his family is what you call not a bad person though niether good .He has matured so much ever since the day he died.

He kept writing.-

 If only I can just be human so I wouldn't be able to be in despair .. my demonic depression is much worse then that of a human.. it lasts for long periods of time & comes down on me heavier each month,week,day.

Love life of a demon is usually terrible because you have to worry about protecting your lover. The knowledge I have gained is all from Ash,2nd ranks,& their children.. The children are also older then they look. like Camren is only 27 and looks like he's 19 same goes for his twin Monreo.. Life now is so miserable for me & possibly others. Well I must sleep for it is the time of year which most demons love & hate the most.            ~Sincerely Zen.~

Tears stained the paper in his journal which he was writing in. pouring out all emotions & knowledge into the small book. Zen then closed the book to rest.

All through the night tears of despair fell from his beautiful face as dreamt of the times when he used to rock his young infant nephew to sleep and the times when he and his step-sister Lily would play games on the xbox & other countless game consoles.

****A/N: Sleep is rare for demons. because when you go to Hell have to be awake every moment to protect yourself and try to survive from the wild demons  & other humans who may or may not have lost their sanity ..can't blame them for losing their sane-ness after all it is Hell.******

Once he had awoken with a face stained of dry tears. He felt numbingly sad at the fact that everything he's seen of his family & friends was nothing though a mere dream and also that it is the first day of his new life at a new school as a demon. He never enjoyed the fact he could only fall asleep once a year... If he excepted darkness & went into a deep sleep..... a  coma..even if it was deadly .. he would ...cause then he could dream on forever of the "good times".

Zen is allowed to live a normal life as a human though is not allowed to go back to be a human and spend times with his loved ones as he once did because it would mean cheating Death & put them in danger of being hunted down by other ruthless demons & monsters ,etc.. Zen didn't complain though since it wouldn't really do any good.

Ash only allowed him to walk the Earth because he did the one thing demons should never do & that is open his heart to humans or any creatures. It is not a heartless thing though an unfair one of that..

Zen walked out the front door through the forest of dead trees mixed with live ones.. He kept walking till he came to the egde of the forest where then faded into a wheat field. He hopped into black mustang which was 1 of the very few items he managed to get back from his old home town of South Dakota **he now lives in Minnesota.**  

Driving straight along the edge of the forest till he came up the gravel back road which is rarely used . While approaching he spotted someone... It was the twins( -.-'' .

Oh how he hated mornings not only does he have to endure the everlasting hunger for blood though he has to deal with them as well.-_-.

he pulled up to the road and tried to make a quick turn to town hoping that he would be able to ditch them.  Quickly he drove away though not quick enough.... The twins then ran and sprung out their wings flying quick towards the vehicle. Each one flew right beside it and just opened the back doors & hopped in..Zen sighed at his failed attempt to ditch the bothersome identical siblings...

"Dammit" Zenn groaned in frustration                                                                                                                        


I will add on more to the story and explanation of things once I find some more inspiration and get more ideas.. that is if anyone's reading this. which I doubt.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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