Training at dad's

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Selena trains with dad how to make potions and recite spells and ancient curses while Justin plays with magic(a way to learn at a young age).Selena now knows how to use her powers in time of need so her dad gives her a quest to prove her loyalty to her new found powers and spells along with thirty potions.

Selena goes off to get the head of a god while going through the Depths of hell to Hermes the god of hell because he stole the spell of flight from the magic god Cheyenne who is the most powerful god in the magic realm while loveable to all men  who met her and Freddie Fazbear. Freddie said" what the fuck is going on in here bitches. Cheyenne said" who you calling a bitch you bitch. Selena said" I do not mean to intrude but have you seen the one they call Hermes. "Yes" said Cheyenne he is walking the magic realm as we speak.

"Thanks" said Selena. "Now Freddie you thot you have sex with  Liv when you are married to me you are a slut bucket" said Cheyenne. Freddie said" I fucked Athena to bitch.

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