The Moon

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As soon as Selena finished fighting the dragon they found a teleportation pad used during the war of the gods and humans. "This must be thousands of years old so we have to be careful not to damage it anymore than it already is" said Cheyenne.

Selena, Cheyenne, and Destany walk onto the pad and teleports to the moon and find a war room and takes some weapons from the war of be gods."this must be where we tracked down Hermes on the moon" Selena said "but why the moon" said Cheyenne. " because the moon is the perfect place to raise the army of Freddie Fazbear and his gang of electronics" said Cheyenne.

"Well look at what we have here" said Hermes. "Hermes you bitch why do you what to control the world" said Selena and her friends. "Joey" said Hermes."yes master" said Joey the man eating bear."kill these bitches and dispose of the bodies so they can not be found" said Hermes " sure boss" said Joey. "Freddie I summon you and your gang of electronics" said Hermes .  Freddie rises first then Bonnie, then Foxy ,then the puppet master. "Oh shit" said the gang . "get their asses electronics" said Hermes
The first electronic to get the is Freddie but Selena uses her powers to protect her friends and then hands Cheyenne her new magic sword which she is giving to her for protection .

Cheyenne uses her new sword and stabs Foxy in the gut. Destany get the sword from the war room and helps fight the animatronics with her friends. While fighting Golden Freddie pops up out of the ground and hits Cheyenne in the back but Selena kills Golden Freddie and heals Cheyenne's back giving her magic powers forever and to be fair  she give Destany magic powers forever to.

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