Creature #1: Poufs

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Summary: Deep in the heart of Wipperby, and nearly everywhere you turn, you will find small creatures of varying sizes in many bright hues speaking in a high-pitched, high-toned, hiccup-like language. These are poufs, otherwise known as a-ens (in reference to said hiccup-like language with which they communicate). Baby poufs are known as foofs. They also speak with the hiccup-like language (which they pick up rather quickly due to their impressively high intelligence). Foofs are quite exactly like poufs except they are smaller, hairless, and walk on all fours. Foofs are also without a nose until a few weeks or so before they mature into poufs completely. They also only grow a backside a few days before they learn to stand and walk on two legs (and, thus, become poufs). Throughout their maturation, foofs also grow fingers. They do not, however, grow toes. Poufs do not have them.

Size: 1 inch-4 inches while a foof and 7 inches-14 inches (or 1 foot 2 inches) while a pouf.

Food: Mostly anything, though while in foof form they must eat a substance called 'canned chup' each day in order to properly grow. Think of it as a daily vitamin, except much more gross and thick and required and in a can. Foofs and poufs alike also need high amounts of salt, often turning to potato chips for their needs. I once witnessed a foof eat two entire cans of Pringles within mere minutes. This was not an uncommon occurrence amongst foofs and poufs, either.

Color(s): A rosy pink (whilst just a foof). Pouf hair can grow in blue, pink, or (rarely) purple.

Characteristics: Gentle, small, fluffy. Kind, enthusiastic, intelligent. Long-eyelashed, small-nosed, swirly-eared.

Family Statistics: Foofs and poufs are named with only a first name, though they are each known by two names depending on if they are a foof or a pouf. For instance, James Foof, who will be mentioned later on in this section, is thusly named because his mother named him James (or 'A') and he is a foof. Foofs are hatched out of eggs inside of their mother's pouch. A female pouf grows a pouch within two months of officially becoming a pouf (once all fingers, nose, backside, and fluff has grown in and the creature is able to walk on two legs). Foofs live completely inside the pouch for the first week or so after they are hatched. They feed off of their mother's milk inside the pouch from a convenient tube located within their hatched egg (where they will sleep until they become a pouf). After the week is over, they are free to roam around and such, so long as they return to their mother's pouch at bedtime (every family is different, but this seems to be the general routine). One of the greatest mysteries surrounding poufs is just how big the pouch truly is. From an outside view, it looks rather small. But, when one learns of just how many foofs the pouch can hold (at least six at a time), and then considers the amount of eggs, milk, blankets, canned chup, entertainment systems, surround sound speakers, and various baby books and movies contained within the thing, one begins to wonder the true size of the pouch of a pouf. Many believe it is bigger on the inside. I happen to be one of those believers, seeing as it is the only reasonable explanation to how a female pouf can hold all these things in her pouch without squishing her babies. It's a brilliant concept, and just another way these creatures are amazing.

Lifespan Quickness Scale Assessment: Grows at approximately 20x the rate of the average human. (Basically, it's only months before a foof becomes a pouf in most cases, whereas it takes at least eighteen years for a human to reach their full-grown form.)

Language: Poufs and foofs have no written language, seeing as the only two words, or sounds, rather, in their language are 'A' (as in the 'a' noise in 'giraffe') and 'En' (as in the 'en' sound in 'eaten'). Put the two together, and you've memorized the language of the poufs. Poufs and foofs have a distinct way in which they speak so that the other pouf or foof may understand what they are saying. They put a light inflection on their usage of 'a-en' or 'a' and 'en', which we humans can't put a finger on exactly, to distinguish words and phrases from one another. Thankfully, we are still able to somewhat communicate with these knowledgeable creatures simply because of the creatures themselves; with their high intelligence, they naturally understand every language there is (unless you attempt at speaking theirs; then they will just stare and stare and stare at you until you make up some excuse and leave). They can never, however, speak back in said languages, due to the formation of their tongues and voice boxes throughout their foofy lives. Well, almost never....

Exceptions to the Rules: James Foof, a member of the A-en a A-en kinsfolk in western Wipperby, taught himself (with the help of a kind and smart professor) how to speak English rather well. He is still a bit stutter-y and choppy when he speaks, but he is perfectly understandable. With this knowledge, from her birth, he made a point of speaking to his younger sister, Beatrice, mainly in English. She picked it up even quicker than he did, and can now speak without any stutter-y-ness or choppiness about it. These two siblings have been revolutionary for the pouf community. Once again, what was once believed impossible has now become totally and completely attainable.

Notable Poufs and Foofs:

-James Foof: The first foof (or pouf at all, rather) to ever speak English. Also a successful singer/songwriter with his hit song "Aena?", which quickly rose to the top of the experimental art charts before slowly becoming popular with the mainstream audience. James now spends his time with his sister, Beatrice, with whom he has started a pop duo. Their first song, "Aen" (or "Freedom" in our language), became an international hit the first day it was released.

-Beatrice Foof: James' younger sister. The first foof to ever speak completely coherently and as if she were a human. Incredible intelligence. Also an excellent dancer. She is also a budding author.

-Le-o Foof: Though he was once James and Beatrice's enemy, Le-o, the international German pop sensation, is now great friends with the two famous foofs. There was once a misconception that this donut-wearing star was French (because he has 'le' in his name), but, contrary to that popular belief, he is German. He was taught English by Beatrice, and though he stutters in his songs (songs such as "I am a Donut" from his hit debut album of the same name, and "Beatrice Runs" from same said album), he speaks rather easily (though with a slight German accent) when he isn't singing.

-Paul Pouf: Paul Pouf is sassy, fresh, and fabulous. He, too, is a musician (the poufs are very musical creatures), known mainly for his hit song "Ra-en" (or "Rawr", in our language). He has three pet ringlets (which you will read about later) whom he taught not to speak in their native tongue, but in his own. This was a revolutionary event as well since never before had a ringlet spoken in A-en. Paul enjoys luxury couture, fashion shows, and dressing up his ringlets in the latest styles. He's also a bit of a handful sometimes, and such a romantic (he's tried to marry my very human sister at least five times). He is still only a child, though, and therefore not on his own in the world. Although poufs and foofs are usually not adopted by humans, I adopted him on my first trip to Wipperby when I found him orphaned and alone. I didn't teach him English, though. That was for another time...

Fun Facts:

-Did you know that poufs and foofs are also excellent dancers? Foofs are especially gifted. The most popular dance among foofs is called the 'A-en a A-en' dance, where they swing the lower half of their bodies side to side, matching the beat of the song they're dancing to perfectly well.

-Did you know there is a group of rogues in Wipperby that attempt at eating foofs? Foofs can be mistaken for tiny, miniature hot dogs, and this psychotic club likes to capture them and eat them. Their slogan is 'Put Them On The Grill', and they are feared all over Wipperby.

-Did you know foofs and poufs are organized in little village-type groups called kinsfolks? They also have proper families, with a mother, a father, and little foof children.

-Did you know there is a pouf legend told to young foofs which states that their level of kindness directly affects their growth of fluff? Foofs are told by their parents and older siblings that when they do something nice for someone, they will grow fluff. If they are always cross and mean, however, they will be bald and foofy forever. Science is yet to dictate whether or not this tale is true.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2016 ⏰

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