Girl Talk, Chocolates, and a Cupid

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I was having a boring afternoon. I did bump into Ivy, who was muttering something about 'books' and 'Potter'. Whatever it was, I hope it hurt. The rest of the afternoon I spent writing my Transfiguration essay. It was half an inch shorter than required, and I hoped that Rose would 'check' mine. Then I spent an hour staring at the giant squid and imagining what could happen if Professor Chang was right. But she couldn't be right. Me and James were just friends, and it was looking like that was all we'd ever be.

I decided I needed advice. And when one needs advice on anything boy-related, one goes to Dom. Always. She is the love guru of Hogwarts. I think she's off to beat Victoire's record of the number of boy's she kissed. That was before she and Teddy got together, of course. I set off to find Dom.

I finally did find her sandwiched between to Dom wannabes, hiding behind the bushes and shooting random spells at passerbys. Only when they were laughing at some poor kid's case of jelly legs did I notice that one of the wannabes was sprouting violent red hair. Lily, James's sister. She was 2 years below us and a mental nutcase of high riding emotions, just like her mother. She was a pretty darn good Quidditch player, though. We've played a few two-on-two with Fred and James. I hope she tries out for chaser.

"Dom!" I called, trying to attract her attention. She didn't respond, too busy laughing at the jelly-legs boy, now sprouting a purple moustache.

"Dominique Angeline Weasley!!!" I yelled as loud as I could.

She turned and scowled at me. Lily and the other girl turned too. Up close, I recognized the other girl to be the Beauxbatons transfer.

"What is it?" grumbled Dom.

"I need your help. On something." I gestured, trying to move her away from the crowd of now-interested girls.

"Is it a guy?" Dom yawned.

"Well, yes," I said, barely above my breath.

She opened her eyes and sat up with interest. "It is? I was only joking, you never talk about guys! Why didn't you say that in the first place?"

Lily sat up with even more interest. "Who is it?" she asked curiously.

" one you'd be interested in. Not your age. Besides, it's a secret." I tugged Dom to her feet. "Come on!" I said urgently, before Lily got to another question. We ran back up to the castle.

"Where should we go? Ivy's in our dorm!" I moaned.

Dom doubled over, catching her breath. "This must be really urgent. We can use the ROR." She said and started down the hall.

ROR, or roar, is the code name for Room of Requirement. We had heard stories about it from our parents, but everyone had though it was all burned up. That is, till we got here and took a peek. All we had to do is ask the room to fix itself, and suddenly we had the keys to the best kept secret at Hogwarts. We keep it so no one but Wotters can use it, and have the best victory parties in there.

We reached the wall and Dom began pacing. When the door finally appeared, Dom opened it and shoved me inside, closing the door behind her.

What the space turned into was slightly comical and sickening, all at the same time. It was a small room, with glass doors leading to a miniature garden. The walls were bright pink. There was a red sofa sitting in front of a cheery fire, letting off heart shaped puffs of smoke. Indeed, everything in the room suffered from being pink and heart shaped, from the bench in the garden to the throw pillows on the sofa. There was a fountain in the shape of Cupid in the center of the garden, and all that grew were roses.

Dom took a seat on the plush couch while I was still taking in the room. She patted the seat next to her and I took it. Then she reached into her bag and pulled out a box, showing me what was inside.

"Weasley Well-Being Chocolates. They enhance the emotions. They're really good. Try one!"

I snorted, and dubiously took a sweet and put it into my mouth. It seemed fine, so I ate it.

"Now, what is this all about?"

I suddenly felt a fluttering of confusion in my stomach. "It's...well...IthinkImaybekindalikeJamesbutIdon'tknowbecausehe'smybestmate!"

Dom rolled her eyes. "Calm down and speak slower."

"I think I maybe kinda like James, but I don't know cause he's my best mate."

Dom giggled. "Yes! I knew it! Fred owes me 5 galleons!"

I scowled at her. She sobered up. "Okay, well now to the important stuff: How long have you liked him, and do you think he likes you?"

I thought a moment. "Well, I think I've maybe always liked him, deep down, but I ignored it because I didn't want it to get in the way of our friendship. And I don't think he notices me, at least in that way. More like a sister."

Dom gave me a pitying glance. "Hailey, you are absolutely wonderful. You have great looks, and a great figure too, if you would just change out of your baggy clothing one in a while. You need to show James that, yes, you're still his best mate, but you're also a flaming hot girl, too."

"So what are we going to do?"

"Operation Make James Notice Hailey. I would say play the jealousy game, flirt with another boy, but that never works. Let's just say this; remember the Halloween party?"

I nodded. The Wotters always held an annual Halloween party.

"That's the date we'll get James to notice you. We'll get you pretty and dressed up. And that night you can flirt your pretty heart out. He'll have to notice you then!"

"Okay, if you think it'll work."

"Believe me, it will. Just let me and the girls help you! This is going to be so fun!"

>>Well, I am running out of pre-written material. Absolutely great. I've always found it hard to push the middle of writing, because as my bio says, I much prefer beginnings. Hope you enjoy this chapter anyway! Love you all!

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