How to Win a Bet

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At dinner, it seemed like everyone was happy. James noticed Hailey was positively beaming, which was a nice change from lunch.

After dinner, they gathered in the common room. Rose was checking everyone's essays in the corner. Hailey, Dom, and Roxy were whispering to each other and giggling. Danny and Fynn were playing Wizard's chess, and James and Fred were tossing a Quaffle back and forth.

The talk turned to Fred and Anastasia's Hogsmeade date, which was rapidly approaching.

"You should take her to Madame Puddifoot's, Fred!" giggled Dom.

"No way! She would make me puke all over those singing balloons. I need to take her somewhere that suits her. Like maybe the Shrieking Shack. I bet even the ghosts would be ill at the sight of her!"

"Betcha 10 galleons that she comes dressed in those same oversized robes with the slime covering the front!" offered James.

"Deal. And I thought that was just puke!" crowed Fred.

Rose scowled at Fred.

"What is it with you and your affixation with vomit?" she asked.

But she was nearly drowned out by the whispers from the corner table, which were increasing and rising rapidly in volume. Dom had on her scheming face.

"How much if she comes dressed up?" she asked James.

"15 galleons. She never will though, so it's a losing bet."

"Oh you're on. And you never know, she just might surprise you!"

Fred made a face.

"Highly doubt it." He snickered.

But no one heard him, because the girls were back to whispering again.


The next day passed fairly normally. The Wotters attended their classes, and ate lunch together in the great hall. They were disappointed to discover that they had another career council in two weeks, but it was made up for when Teddy let them have no homework.

The girls had been scheming all day, trying to figure out how to win their bet. Finally Dom decided.

"We're just going to have to wheedle it out of her," she said firmly.

So after double potions with the Ravenclaws, the girls found Anastasia. She was wandering on her own, meandering through the empty hallways, so it was perfect time for the girls to spring up on her.

"Anastasia," said Dom cooly.

Anastasia gave them a side glance. "Oh no. Not you guys. I have enough trouble already."

"Trouble?" asked Roxy in an innocent tone. "We don't cause trouble, do we girls?"

"No!" chorused the rest.

"We're just wondering whether you would help us to help you," said Dom.

"What are you talking about?" asked Anastasia.

"Well, we were thinking. You're going on a date with my brother to Hogsmeade, are you not?" asked Roxy.

"Yes, I am. Only because I want to buy a new book. Terry Boot coming out with a very good biography on Druidess Estelle, the founder of The Society of Extraordinary Witches of the 16th Century!"

Dom yawned.

"Yeah, that sounds amazing Stas. But how about this; We, the humble girls of the Wotter family, offer you our services as the Fashion Team for your date."

Anastasia crossed her arms.

"Why would I want to get dressed up for Fred Weasley?"

Dom grinned.

"Because it'll be fun! But look at it this way; if you're drop dead gorgeous, he'll be so shocked he'll blow knickers right off!"

Stas grinned.

"I'll do it as long as you promise to pay for my book. And I'm only doing it for my book. I certainly do not want to see Weasley's knickers, flying or not."

"Done." Said Dom happily. "We'll get your outfit, and you don't have to worry about anything."

>> Well, I feel like this story is meandering to nowhere. Apparently, not only did my 8th grade self not have a plot line, she was crap at punctuation as well. So I've been spending a lot of time going over the chapters and editing them.

I think I just want to finish this one off, and let it be short. What do you guys think?

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