Right Here

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  "Potter you leave me no choice." Umbridge squeaked. "The cruciatis  curse might loosen your tongue" "that's illegal" Hermione countered. "The ministry will know I had no choice" the toad looked back at Harry. "Crucio" Harry collapsed out of the chair and grunted; withering around on the floor. Ron fought against his captors but to no avail. This time with a little more force Umbridge said "Crucio!" This made Harry scream.

  "stop! You're going to kill him! What will everyone think? When they find out you killed the great Harry Potter? The chosen one!" Ron yelled after an hour went by. "He tells me; and I will let him go" "expellearmus!" A voice shouted and Umbridge flew back a few feet.

  They all looked around for the one who said the spell.

It was Draco.

  Ron ran over to Harry and held him against his chest. "Thank you Malfoy" he said sincere. Malfoy nodded and smiled a little. "We have to get him to the hospital wing" Ron said frantically and picked Harry up in his arms.

  The whole DA was waiting in the hospital wing. Watching as Madam Pomfrey treated his wounds. "Who did this to him?" She asked sadly. They all looked at each other wondering if they should give up there professor. "Screw it" Ron whispered. "Dolores Umbridge" he said with hate. Madam Pomfrey gasped and immediately went back to treating Harry. "Mr. Weasly, can you and Gorge hold him down?" She asked hurriedly. Ron and Gorge held Harry's shoulders down on the bed.

  "She used a bone breaking curse and I don't have any more anesthetic to numb the pain." She hovered her wand over Harry's leg  and said "Episkey" Harry's leg was fixed with a loud snap and a cry of pain. "It's okay mate, I'm right here" Ron soothed. "I'll always be here"

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