Beyond The Sea

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Chapter 1

Strutting against the sidewalk making sure to dodge all of the brief cases and small dogs. I had this odd feeling that I was being followed. I briefly turned my head slightly to check behind me. Nothing. It was probably my lack of sleep getting to me already.


What? Was someone calling me? Probably not, I mean how many other Sophie's can be on this same exact sidewalk. My guess, there had to be at least four. There's no way they were looking for me.

" Sophie, What the hell? I know you can hear me."

Ahhh, yes I'd recognize that British accent anywhere. It belonged the very beautiful and talented Michelle Keegan.

" Oh My God! Michelle what in gods name are you doing on the city." I chirped very cheerfully.

She quickly but rather carefully jogged over to me, careful not trip over her Jeffrey Campbells. "I can't believe that out of all the places in the city, I run into you here!" she said while parting her hair to the side.

Michelle was absolutely gorgeous. She had long black brown hair that always managed to be styled in the best way. Her brown eyes would always shine no matter what, not to mention her amazingly tanned skin. On top of it all she had an outstanding figure with only being 5'5. I wasn't lesbian, but I would most likely go lesbian for her.

If you were to look at Michelle and I you could practically say we were sisters. However I had green eyes with long brown hair. I was defiantly just as tan as her, benefit of all the the trips I took. However, her stunning body was nothing compared to mine. We were even the same height.

" I know, I can't believe it how long has it been since I last saw you. 3 months, maybe even longer."

" I cant believe it's been that long either!" she said while gently pulling my body to the side, careful not to run into anyone during the process.

" Why don't we go for a cup of coffee to catch up."

" Yess! I have to tell you so much." She said rather happily, while dragging my body into the nearest Starbucks.


After 10 minutes, Michelle and I decided to sit all the way in the back." So how's everything going." she asked before taking a sip from her Frappe.

" Horrible! I have no personal life, all that I do is work, work and more work!" I exclaimed while throwing my hands in the air.

" Babe, it can't be that bad. Can it?"

To be honest, it wasn't that bad. I was Delia Rose's assistant. Delia was Editor in Chief for Vogue Magazine. The job defiantly had it's perks as monthly trips to what ever place in the world they needed her. She was the issue, I swear to god that women was on her period everyday. But thats life, you got deal with it.

" I guess it's not that bad, enough about me. How long has it been since I last saw you?"

" Possibly, 3 months maybe even more." 3 months ago Delia and I had to go to London for 3 weeks to shoot a couple of photos for the September issue. On a quick coffee run in London, I managed to drop her tea right out of her hands and begged her to let me buy her a new one. After that we managed to stay in contact for the next two weeks and we never spent a minute apart.

" It's been too long. But enough about me, how have you been doing."

" Good, Coronation Street is coming along really good so far." she told me while taking a sip from her Frappe. " That's great news, now tell me how and you and Max are doing." I asked with a smirk in the corner of my mouth. She emidiatly turned into a deep shade a red. Max was Michelle's boyfriend and let me tell you. They were so god damn cute together, I only met him once but he was quite a gentlemen. They were currently in a 2 year relationship.

"We're engaged now." What. The. Hell.

" Congrats. I can't believe it." I said while almost falling from my seat from all the excitement.

" Thank you! But tell me Soph, who's you're love life doing." I noticed her adding a wink with that comment.

" One word. Failure! I haven't had a boyfriend for around 6 months now. I'm okay with it, honestly I like being single. Means there's more me of going around." I giggled while adding a wink right back at her.

" Don't you ever just wanna settle down, I mean look and Max and I we couldn't be any happier." I sighed. " Yea, but I'm never gonna find someone like Max, just look at him he's even in a boy band!" I huffed. That's right Max George from The Wanted. I was very fond of their music, I even had Chasing The Sun as my ringtone.

" Listen Soph, you're gonna find the right man. It's just gonna take its time." she said with sympathy in her voice. " I know, but it's just so hard, I rather just stay single and live with 69 cats." I couldn't help but giggle at the end with the immaturity kicking in me.

" Listen babe, I really have to go now. But keep in contact with I'm going to be here for to more weeks okay." she said while grabbing my iPhone to put her number in it.

" Okay, I'll text you too." I added while grabbing her iPhone as well.

" Bye Soph!" she gave me a quick squeeze and peck on the cheek while walking out the shop.

"Bye Mitch!" I quickly called back hoping she caught onto that.

Looking down at my phone and I realized it was already 5:30. I was so ready to go home and relax.

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