Yotube fanfictions;)

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Jack harries

You and jack have been dating for a while now. But it had been a rough couple I months between you two. People on twitter hate you for making him taken example "@(y/n)daqueen I'm going to slit your thought if u ever break my baby's heart!" All you have gotten is hate notes. But you hear a *Ding* from ur phone and you think it's a hate tweet but it says this

New Message

So you click on it

Jack:Hey baby we need to talk! My place in 10?


Your scared of what he is going to say but u go get the his favorite dress on you and head out.

*knocks on door*

Jack:*opens the door* Hey! Come in!*kisses you on the cheek* we need to talk about...umm us.


Jack:Do I know u have gotten a lot of fan hate on twitter. But I'm telling you now nothing and I mean NOTHING will change how I feel about you!

You:Awwww I love you

Jack:I love you too

Jack keeps talking about how much he loves you and you just sit there and blush. But he starts to look at the one spot on the wall and you turn to look what he is looking at an when you turn to look back at him he has a ring in his hand

Marcus Butler

*alarm goes off*

You wake up tried. Tireder than normal.... You don't know what's going on but something just doesn't seem right! Your alarm clock says its 8:45A.M. And you need to be at work at 9:15A.M so you hurry up and fix your normal egg and toast sandwich for breakfast and fix your hair and do you make up then your done! So you grab you purse and head out the door. You see someone in you parking lot..he looks familiar! And them as you step closer and closer you see it's your ex boyfriend Marcus. A month ago Marcus and you where a couple but he soon broke your heart for another girl. Your not in the mood for him right now. You just got over him a couple days ago. "Hey babe-" Marcus says but you quickly cut him off "Dont call me babe!" Marcus replies in a depressed voice "Ok well I just came here to tell you I'm sorry and I must be the stupidest guy in the whole world to let you go! I realized when I was with you, you had me feeling that I don't know what will happen next but the other girl I WAS with she made me feel like she was doing the same thing over and over again! And... I love you y/n! I really do! But if you are over me...hhhh...ok I'll will just leave you alone!" You just stand there speechless like an idiot jut starring into his amazing beautiful eyes! You reply "Do you know how long I have been waiting for this!!" While you were talking he was turning around about to leave because he though he was getting rejected but he turns back around with his cheeks all red and rosey. "I love you y/n, I really do!"

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