TWO - Encounters on Earth

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hey guys its Noah. new chapter or Discover below. i hope you like it and tell me what you think =]

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TWO – Encounters on Earth

I don't know how long I was frozen. It could have been years or just mere days.

When I came to I was orbiting a planet the same size as my old one, with a blue, green and red surface with white wisps’ floating around it. As I descended into the atmosphere I checked all the carbon dioxide and oxygen levels making sure they were suitable before making my full descent.

I sat in the pilots’ chair, strapping myself in because I knew the ride through the atmosphere would be a rough one. I felt the ship heat up around me and drain more of my power as it struggled to remain a healthy, liveable heat and stay stable. I began to break out in a sweat; I was bouncing around like mad with my black and blue streaked hair going everywhere. I could see through the windscreen that the crust of the planet was rushing up towards me and before I knew it the windscreen was shattered, a brown like substance was everywhere and fire was quickly consuming the ship.

I struggled to unbuckle myself from the seat but it finally came undone and I fell to the floor. I scrambled out the windscreen; cutting me in several places and my gold blood began to seep out of the wounds.  When I reached the outside world I noticed the sunlight.

On my planet we didn’t have a sun. Of course we learned about them but I had never actually seen sunlight; my world was built with buildings that caught the light from nearby stars and reflected it into nearly every nook and cranny there was.

I looked up into the burning ball nearly blinding my sensitive eyes. Suddenly I began to feel really weak; I think the ship drained too much of my power whilst going through the atmosphere. I thought that a couple of hours rest could do no harm. Boy was I wrong.  


Three hours later I woke to the sound of footsteps crunching through something. I heard heavy breathing and words I didn’t know getting closer and closer. I tried to move but my energy was still too low to even be thinking about moving. I was helpless; like an animal trapped in a net, I had nowhere to run or hide. I just had to take what was coming.

I opened my eyes just wide enough to see two large, thick soled boots come to a stop in front of me. A large calloused hand grabbed me by the back of my shirt effectively pulling me up in the process. Now I was being held by this being, my feet barely touching the ground and my breath coming out in sharp ragged gasps. A surge or power swept through me, I don't know how or from what but this power caused me to strike out hitting this being in the apex of the legs. The being dropped to the ground a groan of pain escaping his mouth, I was about to sprint off in an unknown direction but other hands scrambled at my clothing, finding hold wherever they can and pulling me to the ground.

I felt another surge; this one was rage at being man handled. I knew my eyes started to glow a deep molten gold colour along with the blue streaks in my hair. The things holding me however didn’t flinch; they just placed cold metal rings around my ankles and wrists and began to drag me over the brown substance I could now identify as dirt. My head was lolling from side to side and I was beginning to lose consciousness. My eyes hooded and my feeling was lost. I would be in this state for up to thirty days or until my energy levels increased enough for me to function.  The last thing I remember is being thrown onto a cold metal surface and a cloth being put over my nose.    

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2011 ⏰

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