Grave Robber

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Grave Robber,

Do you sleep at night?

Do you small talk with wolves?

With lustful eyes that sings for me and you?

Do your dreams invoke nights with spheres

Of contagious mystery and golden rays of flame?

With praise and toasts to the Gods?

You've told me your dreams; you've told me what it's like

To tip toe on the floor of your circumstances

In your big musty boots that reek of lies

"You walked to the cemeteries, to cement yourself

Greeted the ghouls, danced with the goblins

Sat on tombstones, had drinks aplenty

Laughed to the sound of night and its gestures

You've read the names, the names on those cold gray tombstones

And when you think you've read them all

Theres always one more, with your name"

Grave Robber,

When it's my turn to laugh from coffin

When it's my turn to roll in my grave

Which side will I be facing?

Because you have a gift

I have greeted the ghouls, danced with the goblins

But when I leave they're all still there

Greeting each other, dancing on my grave

That sits there ominously

With a sign hung up that whispers to me-


Grave Robber,

How is your mouth so inviting, warm, with words of plenty

But your eyes are just so cold, brooding and empty?

How is the dark sky so moving, but blue skies so unwelcoming?

We've played with the night, flirted with cemeteries

We've counted stars, traced constellations

Sung eighty-eight verses until we sunk under the weight of Orion's belt

While Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka caressed the handshake of evanescence

Yet to my detest, I'm now caught in your loop like

The sun slowly passing away, under the unforgiving horizon

Yet how can the unforgiving, forgive time and time again?

What's wrong with me, will you pull me out

Like Excalibur, and stab all the suffocating?

Would you guide me through the night

Just to push me into my coffin?

Grave Robber,

When I'm under the earth

Holding hands with the dirt

Would you dig me up?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2013 ⏰

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