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Apolla's father came ranging fire into the palace. Literally,  he couldn't believe what happened, a little half-blood fought against him and won. Outraged he stumped right up the stairs ignoring the pleads of his servants. He is going to see his youngest daughter Apolla,  he opened the door seeing she silentely fallen asleep. The innocent look on her face reminded him that he wasn't like that.
'Oh why ' he pleaded into the silent bedroom.
' Why did you find me another mate Apolla, I shouldn't known it's going to be a fiasco'. 

He remembered that day he found her, Yuri. When he only wanted to see things touch them she gave him more.
Yuri gave Apolla's father love. He liked Yuri alot,  but when that day he went home he walked up to his daughter room. Just like he did today, but that day, that day that was 15 years ago.  He was different he wasn't scary or mean. He was a good old King, who loved his children and Kingdom. He opened the door and seen her putting paint on her wings, because if anyone knew that one of all kings mates was a fairy,  they were sure to over throw him. He looked at her with sad eyes.
' Today dear Apolla ' He told her,

''You don't have to put paint on those wings,

because your grounded for a decade '' Apolla looked at her father shocked,

' Busted ' she thought.

" Why would you even think I want another mate?  Are you mad? Apolla I have enough problems with the exorcists,  I do not want another being to protect " Satan explained to his daughter. He waited for an answer, but all he got was her head hunged low. Not wanting to look in his eyes.

Just when he was about to walk out the door he got an answer an answer he didn't want to remember, because it was the truth. And truth hurts.

Now that he is sitting on his daughter bed, her wings painted dark colours to outlook does beautiful purple/pink wings. Who funlly look like one of does butterflies he seen in Assiah. He surprised he hadn't thought of this the first day he came from Assiah. He stood up from his beloved daughters bed, love filling his heart once again, not even remembering when he sat on it.

" I'm going to change Apolla, but not for me, but for you because you deserve much more then just being shouted at that ,love doesn't exist" he said while a single tear fell from his eye.

" I'm sorry for killing does innocent people, I'm sorry for killing Shiro, I know you told me he would do that,  smart human he was. Overpowering me and then killing himself " he told his sleeping daughter. Not knowing she was awake all the time.

He then proceeded to walk out the door shuting it silently, not to wake his daughter.  All around his kingdom cheered the demons of all kinds.  There was a rumour there Kings  came to senses and became like he was before, kind and their protecter of their home.

But of course when someone is happy, there also is the party pooper aka good old grandpa Lucifer. He wasn't happy when his only son started with all this mushy stuff. No I'm not about love but ignorance of him. About what's going around him like the way the Vatican killed have the demons. Of course good old Lucifer doesn't care about love, well atleast he doesn't hate it.

Well atleast Satan doesn't hate love either,  well he did give Apolla the power of love. But after Yuri died he only allowed Apolla to grant love to humans and that is quite hard if your a realm away. But that didn't stop her of finding mates for her brothers and sisters. Actually one of her younger brothers, she found his mate right away. They don't know each other yet but they will soon. But of course this was before she found out her father killed the one who took care of him.  Oh goodness Apolla was heartbroken. She remembers they way she ran after the spirit of Shiro, not caring if any higher level demons saw one of their Queens in tears. Running after the only human who's idea's were pure, and only pure. Only once she was in a similar state but she hates to remember that day.

Apolla sighed in her bed after hearing her father shut the door. She knew this is going to be hard but she is going to Assiah, no matter what. She has too see her lil' brother Amaimon and big brother Sam'. And also the Okumara twins. And most of all she wants see all the creatures, plants and lakes, everything. She sighed once again, closing her eyes. Trying to beg her mother to grant her this wish. Knowing she never talks back.

"I am going to Assiah, no matter what father says"


Hi... It's my first anime fanfic? Soo
( way at the back you hear Amianon saying this is no fun)
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