Chapter 1 :Begging

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                 ~Chapter 1: Begging~

Apolla's P.O.V
"Pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssee...."  I'm begging come on say yes.

" What is it Apolla?, can you not see I'm busy. Why can't you go annoy Anamalia or something " Oh Goblin I'm screwed.

" I will if you grant me one wish, all you have to answer is yes or8 no"

"No"  shit.

" You don't even know what I was going to ask.. "

"Yes I do, you were going to ask can you go to Assiah and my answer is no" shit.

"But whyyyyyyyyy all I want to see is the nature, to feel the wind thing brother Amaimon talked about,  which reminds me why do you let him go and not me?, pleassse father"  I pleaded. While I was saying this father turned around taking his eyes of the paperwork.

" Apolla your brother is their on a mission, to persuade your youngest brother to come home, what will you do there? What if the Vatican finds out your there.  Your wings won't be the easiest thing to hide" explained father. I never thought of that.

" Oh those things are nothing a little spell can't do" I said.

" Than why do you paint them? "


" It's a spell that can only be preformed in Assiah"  I lied swiftly. Good save Apolla.

" Good save " said father, with a smirk. Jeez is he reading my mind?

" Shows you're a daddy's girl" he said.

" So can I go ?"  I asked.

" No"

" But -"

"No buts you're not going and that's a final! "  shouted father,  obviously angered.

TIME SKIP provided by Cherry lollipops.

" But Evangeline, why can't I go with you " I begged my oldest sister.

" Because honey, I am not getting murdered by our Father " said Evangeline.

Evangeline is beautiful she is the demon Queen of Seas and Oceans.
Few months before mating season, she goes to Assiah to check on the water pollution.  If something wrong with it, she can die. I wish I could see her tail, she hides all the time, I don't even know the color but I suspect it to blue or something. Mine is brown, I wish it was a more lively color, but sadly that's what I'm born with I guess.

" But he won't know..  " I argued back.

She looked at me.. staring, if that's more appropriate to say.

" Like hell he won't notice his youngest daughter is gone " she said.

" Now leave me be I need to finish my plan, to see which ocean creatures, I'll visit first. " she said. I love my sis but she likes to tease me, a lot. That harpie.

I exited her room,  slamming the door shut.  I stopped and stared at her door  flopping my wings to the ground.  What will I do now, mating season is coming up and I want to find mates for my brothers. Sigh. I now entered my room which is only across the hall from Evangeline's.
I guess I could paint my wings for the time being. So I got out my dark themed paints and started painting,  oh I wish I could go to Assiah, maybe if promise to day I'll stay with Mephisto he'll let me? , Maybe.

3rd Persons P.O.V

Satan sat behind his desk, checking which demons he'll have to accept back from Assiah, does who got exorcised. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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