Every Ending Has A New Beginning

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If you haven't read the first story yet, make sure to do so :)


Enjoy ♥

Seeing Randy with my baby just took my breath away. I wasn’t sure what it was about that sight, but it just gave me the jitters. It was so emotional, considering the fact that I’ve kept this baby from him for 3 long and stressful years.

Randy still didn’t talk to me as much. I can tell he’s still pissed at me for keeping this such a secret, but I don’t blame him at all. He has every right to be pissed at me.

Being here at the arena didn’t make me feel much better. Now that everyone knew the truth, everyone was different.

Melina stood in front of me, snapping her fingers vigorously. Apparently she’d been standing there for a few minutes. “Gem, are you okay?”

I looked up at her. “I’m fine Mel. Why would you think something’s wrong?”

She smiled and sat down next to me on the long bench that stretched all the way across the women’s locker room. “Dude, you’ve been out of it ever since what happened last week. Are you sure something else didn’t happen between you and Randy that you want to talk about?”

I sighed. Truth is, I didn’t know where things were going to go. Randy and I were still on okay terms. We didn’t speak much, but we didn’t avoid each other. We took turns watching Alex at the arena, but Alex still came home with me every night.

“Mel, ever since the news leaked about Randy being Alex’s father, everyone’s been treating me different.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve been seeing that and I’ve been trying to figure out why.”

I sighed again as I looked down at my hands in my lap. I dwindled my fingers as I smirked. “How the hell is it that Eve still has her job here? She admitted to hiring people to kidnap my son because she was jealous of me and Randy.”

Melina shrugged. “I have no idea. She doesn’t deserve to be here.”

I nodded as I grabbed my cell phone off the bench next to me. I checked the time and realized I was running late. I should’ve been behind the curtain by now for my match against AJ Lee. “Shit,” I muttered under my breath. Melina looked over at me as I shoved my cell phone into my purse in my locker. “I gotta get ready for my match.” She nodded and I ran out of the locker room, jogging down the hallway towards the main concourse.

As I reached the curtain, I heard something that surprised me and took my thoughts away from my job. I turned around and saw a little figure running towards me.

“Mommy, mommy!” Alex was running down the small tunnel that led to the curtain, and tailing behind him, was his father.

I crouched down and grabbed him into my arms. I lifted him up giving him a big kiss on the cheek. “Hey buddy, what are you doing back here?”

Alex smiled at me. “I saw woo wunning Mommy! I wanted to say hi!”

I smiled back at him as I held him closer. “You’re so sweet Alex.” I kissed him on the cheek again and then set him down. “But you know you Mommy has to work right now.”

A small frown crossed his face. “I know Mommy. But I’s missed woo.”

He hugged my leg, and I held him there for a few seconds as I looked up at Randy. He was wearing a tight black tee shirt and blue jeans that made him look super sexy.

He smiled at me. “Want me to take him back with me now?”

I nodded. “Yeah, my music is gonna start in a minute or two.”

He crouched down and tapped Alex on the shoulder. Alex turned around and smiled at Randy. “Hey bud, how about we go back and get another cookie or something?”

Alex nodded and then looked up at me. “Okay, bye Mommy!”

“Good bye Alex, I’ll see you soon.” Alex took off down the hallway before Randy could stop him. “Thanks Randy.”

He smiled as he started walking backwards. “Not a problem. Hey, can we talk later?”

I nodded. “Yeah. You should probably go make sure he doesn’t grab more than one cookie.”

He chuckled and then took off down the hallway, trying to find where Alex went. I turned around and peeked out a crack in the curtain as the lights dimmed some.

My new theme music, Crazy Kids by Ke$ha, started up. I waited for my cue to run out. As I steadied my nerves, someone walked up beside me. I looked over and to my surprise, I saw John Cena.

Before I could ask him what he was doing there, I hit my cue and I ran out. He followed me out and he grabbed my hand. He lifted my arm in the air as I blew kisses to the audience. We ran down the ramp and under the bottom rope into the ring. He leaned me over and kissed me in front of the crowd. They ate it up.

Soon my music stopped and there was silence for a few seconds before AJ’s music started up.

I looked up at John who was trying to avoid eye contact with me. Ever since he found out about Randy and I sharing the same kid, he hasn’t wanted to talk to me. He wanted absolutely nothing to do with me. Finally I grabbed his arm and I stood on my toes to try and whisper in his ear.

“John can we please talk? I really don’t like you avoiding me.”

I could see him lightly roll his eyes. He leaned down to whisper back in my ear as AJ was skipping down the ramp. “Gem, I really have nothing to say to you. I really don’t.”

As AJ climbed into the ring, I pulled John back into the far corner of the ring. “John please. I really just wanna talk about this with you. I don’t want what we had to end, just because I messed up. Please just give me a chance to talk to you about it. That’s all I ask.”

He sighed as he kissed me on the cheek again for the crowd. “Alright Gem, we can talk about this later. But right now, kick AJ’s ass.”

I smiled at him. “Will do.” I watched him climb out of the ring as her music finally ended. We stared at each other in the ring. Personally, we had no feelings for each other. We didn’t like one another, but we had no hate either. She personally annoyed me, but I didn’t hate her for it.

Finally the bell rang and we circled around each other. I’ve been getting better at wrestling since I’ve been back, I just hope I can keep up my winning streak. So far, it’s the only thing that’s been keeping me good with the crowd.

WWE: A Baby and Three Wrestlers ~BOOK TWO~Where stories live. Discover now