Seven|Answers and Suspicion

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Chapter Seven

We sat inside the cramped coffin store with Undertaker as he answered all the questions we desired.

"I have had quite a busy week with body's lately. Most of them have been ripped open from inside with missing eyes, But some have been quite fun to observe. The ones I've got this week were completely torn apart. Like there limps cut off with there throats slit." he explained while nibbling on a dog bone cookie "To be honest they were quite fun to clean up hehe~" he giggled.

Shivers spiraled down my spin as the image off torn body's and missing eyes flashed through my head, But something else was hidden with in the image. I closed my eyes and saw blood....blood everywhere and a wicked smile with some sort of long knife with crimson red blood soaking the blade. I felt my throat grow tight and dry as if I was getting murdered

I stared at the Undertaker as I let his words sink in, To be honest through this whole thing I've almost forgotten that....that this isn't the real world. This is some anime show that I've somehow got stuck in and to be fully honest I don't want to leave. I'd rather stay here forever.

Ciel's snappy voice cut me out of my thoughts "Come on then, I think I have a feeling were these murders are happening." he grunted "Thank you Undertaker, Take care." he flashed around and walked towards the door with Sebastian trailing behind him. I got up from were I was sitting and began to proceed to the door but a tight grip latched my wrist, I turned my head with a grim expression on my face "Aye! Whats the ide-" I stopped myself as I realized it was Undertaker's hand.

A smile half smirk planted across his pale face "Hehee~ I wouldn't get to attached to that earl little sparrow. He sometimes like to get a little ahead of himself and frequently it will sometimes end up in bad matters you won't be the one pointing the gun at him." he giggled widely, I growled and snatched my hand out of is tight grip "I think I'll be fine." I walked out without letting him finish with Grell beside me. The reaper had a cross face but excitement was burning in his emerald eyes as they continued to follow Ciel and Sebastian towards and alley way that lead to behind a bar that was filled with the scent of drunken men and beer. My dress flew up as another bitter wind wisped by, I yelped and yanked the end of the dress down.

Sebastian chuckled quietly as he seen my struggle to keep my black dress down, I hissed at him and he turned his head away with a sly smirk. We came to a stop by the back doorway of the bar, Ciel leaned up against the cold alley wall "Let's wait here and I guess we'll see if anyone suspicious comes around." He explained. And all we did was stand and wait.


I know it's an odd ending lol, Sorry for the wait. Schools been a pain lately:/, Next chapter will be out soon!

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