Nineteen|Savior From Hell

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Chapter Nineteen


Darkness wrapped around me as I was flouting in a dark void as quietness


The voice of the one I loved echoed through the darkness like it was being spoken through a microphone.

I turned around and saw a faint transparent figure of Sebastian with his hands behind his back. I smiled happily, thinking this was my escape out of this hell, I raised towards him but the closer I got the faster he faded.

I ran further, terrified of losing him after not seeing him for so long I reached my hand out while outstretching my fingers as small tears rolled down my cheek as I realized I wasn't going to be able to feel his demon like heart beat softly against me or the warm sensation his lips give when they touch mine.

He smiled softly as a quite whisper rolled off his tongue "Wake up Violet." He said warmly

But once he was almost gone from the little time I got to see him, his voice changed to a more frantic but flamboyant tone "Wake up!!." He shouted as my vision grew white.

My eyes flew open as the feeling of someone shaking me and whisper urgently in my ear made my skin crawl.

As my seeing grew normal the rich color of red danced in front of me as clouded green eyes looked back at me which had the shiny glow as if they have been crying for a while.

I began to recognized the pale face as the sight of Grell sitting on top of me with tears rolling down his eyes shimmered in the milky dawn light.

Grell smiled as he sniffles "Thank the gods your alive!." He cried while bringing me up to my chest in a big hug which was suffocating the life out of me while he head rested on my shoulder.

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