Chapter 8~Waiting~John's P.O.V.

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We're all sitting on our couch in the living room. "Now what?" Seth asks. "I don't know...I guess we wait for the what the cops decide to do.." I answer. I miss Kor so much..and my little sis. I just got her back..I can't lose her again. After we found the girls gone we called the cops and told them what had happened, they said they would get back with us soon. This place just doesn't feel right, I miss Jen, and Hilary. The kids took the the news hard...they want their family back. And poor Seth...he's been moping around the house, I don't think that he's even blinked for the whole 30 minutes we've been on the couch. I wish I was snuggling up with Kor watching a movie with the family, and every once in a while me and her would be sneaky and give each other kisses. I wish I could just hold her tight in my arms right now and tell her that everything will be okay. I want my family back...

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