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"I've wanted to braid this hair since the first time I saw you." Chloe says softly to Beca. Softly combing Beca's hair. They were sitting on the floor of Fat Amy's and Beca's room. Chloe had randomly suggested braiding her hair and Beca had accepted.
"Before or after Aubrey attacked me?" Beca asks with a smirk.
"She didn't attack you." Chloe says with an exaggerated sigh and eye roll. "You insulted a cappella if I remember correctly." Chloe finishes combing and starts separating Beca's hair into three equal parts.
"Yeah, 'cause it sounded lame." Beca says like it's obvious. Chloe gives her a soft slap to the head. "Ow." Beca whines. "I said it sounds lame, not that it is!" Chloe gives a small chuckle and a shake of her head.
"I saw you walking in our general direction." Chloe says.
"Stalker." Beca mumbles, earning another soft slap. "Fine, I guess you more of a stalker afterwards."
"Hey!" Chloe says with a laugh.
"What? You came into my shower. I was naked!" Beca exclaims.
"Hmm, I guess that is true." Chloe agrees. Beca takes on a goofy grin.
"Yeah, it is." Beca says and Chloe sticks her tongue out at Beca, not that she can can see her. Chloe sighs and undos what little of the braid she had done. She runs her fingers through Beca's silky smooth hair. "I thought you were braiding it?" Beca asks.
"I am. I just stuffed it up and have to restart." Chloe explains, still running her fingers through Beca's hair. They sit in silence for a while. Beca starts humming. Chloe smiles as she recognises the song.
"You shout it but I can't hear a word you say." Chloe starts singing and Beca stops humming to join in.
"Talking loud, not saying much. I'm criticised but all your bullets ricochet." They sing in a slow, soft tune. "You shoot me down but I get." Chloe finishes off the braid and Beca turns, looking at Chloe with a soft, warm gaze. "I'm bullet proof, nothing to lose. Fire away, fire away. Ricochet, you take your aim. Fire away, fire away. Shoot me down but I won't fall. I am titanium. You shoot me down but I won't fall. I am titanium." They finish off quietly.
"You're beautiful." Chloe whispers, cupping Beca's cheek.
"Not as beautiful as you." Beca whispers back, running her hand through Chloe's hair. Chloe smirks.
"We'll see." She picks up a hand mirror. "Here, take a look." Chloe passes Beca the hand mirror and waits in anticipation. Chloe ended up doing a side braid. Beca pouts.
"That's it?" Chloe gasps. "I was sitting there so long my butt hurts!" Beca complains. Chloe rolls her eyes as she pushes Beca onto her back. Beca gives a little squeak of surprise which Chloe finds adorable. Chloe straddles Beca's waist and traces random patterns on her stomach where her shirt had ridden up. Beca squirms. Just that slightest touch tickles her. When Beca stops squirming Chloe leans forward, placing her hands above Beca's shoulders for support, and gives Beca a light kiss, just a brush of the lips.
"What were you saying?" Chloe whispers into Beca's ears. Beca takes a deep breath, slightly flustered at this turn of events.
"I..you..were..um.." Beca stutters and squirms again as Chloe starts softly kissing Beca's neck. "Something about..uh.. something about my braid." Beca manages to get out before moaning as Chloe nips at her pulse point.
"And what were you saying about that beautiful braid that I worked so hard on?" Chloe asks nuzzling into Beca's neck, her hot breath tickling Beca's skin.
"I..um..I was saying...that..um.." Beca moves her head so Chloe has access to the soft spot behind her ear. "That..um..I thought there was going to be more." She finishes in a rush. Chloe pulls away and pouts.
"But I worked so hard on it!" Chloe whines. Beca's cheeks are pink as she stares up at Chloe, confusion clear on her face, trying to think through the lust.
"Sorry?" Beca tries. Chloe smirks down at her.
"Forgiven." She says and kisses Beca's nose. "You're so cute and tiny." Chloe says, smirking.
"Hey, I'm not tiny!" Beca protests.
"Yes you are." Chloe says and nudges her noise against Beca's.
"Nope." Beca says, popping the p. Chloe sits up straight and smirks down at Beca.
"Prove it." She says, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Beca starts to sit up, using her elbows to lift her. Chloe immediately pushes her back down by the shoulders and then grabs her wrists and presses them to the ground. "Uh, uh. It's not gonna be that easy." Chloe says with a teasing grin. Beca tries to push against Chloe's restraining hands but she knows it no use, Chloe's stronger then her. She falls back down.
"Chloe!" She whines.
"Beca!" Chloe says, mimicking Beca's voice.
"Just because you're stronger then me doesn't mean I'm small!" Beca says, trying to wriggle out of Chloe's grip.
"Yes it does." Chloe says, sticking out her tongue. Beca kicks her legs like a little child.
"Fine." She grumbles. "You win."
"Of course I do." Chloe says and leans down, kissing Beca passionately. Just as Beca was beginning to moan there was a sound by the staircase.
"Get a room!" Comes an Australian accent. Chloe pulls away with a chuckle.
"This is my room." Beca grumbles. Fat Amy dumps her shoes and walks into the walk in wardrobe to change.
"It's mine room too." Fat Amy says through the door. Chloe laughs again and stands up. She sticks out a hand to Beca and offers to help her up. Beca accepts.
"Who's my tiny little girlfriend?" Chloe asks, smiling. Beca sighs and rolls her eyes.
"I am." Chloe's smile brightens and she leans in to give Beca another kiss.
"Seriously? I'm still here, you know!" Fat Amy says as she comes back out in her PJs. Beca sighs again but Chloe just laughs.
"Goodnight Becs." Chloe says, giving her a quick peck on the cheek. "Night Amy."
"Goodnight Chloe." Amy says as she flops on her bed. Beca pouts.
"Amy has to come and ruin everything." Beca grumbles. Chloe turns to her and raises an eyebrow.
"Do you still wish to be stuck on the floor?" Chloe asks. Beca blushed lightly.
"Well..no..not exactly.." Beca says.
"Exactly." Chloe says before leaving. Beca glares at Fat Amy as she fixes up her shirt.
"If you want to do that sort of stuff then find somewhere private." Fat Amy says, unfazed by Beca's glare.
"She was just doing my hair." Beca grumbles, sitting on her bed and turning on her laptop. Fat Amy snorts.
"Right." Beca pulls up her mixes. She had some inspiration on what to make next but she wanted to listen to her others first. She also had to put them on a USB for Chloe so she would stop nagging her. Chloe had also given her an idea for a song, an original. She hopes her boss will like it.

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