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Hey guys, I'm back. This idead popped into my head one night whilst I was struggling to sleep.

Hope you like it. I should be spending time on my other stories, but it seems as if I like adding more stories into the mix. I've gone for a shapeshifter story, I've never written one before. If you don't like it I'm sorry. New to this sort of story, I though I'd give it a try. It's also in another point of view, I find this one easier to write in even though I don't usually for Wattpad.

This will also be a romance, the reason for this is because I am a hopeless romanic through and through.

Sorry if this is boring you. It's not like you have to read this bit. :P

If you like it don't forget to Fan, Comment, and Vote.

Please enjoy!


The sound of running could be heard all over the secluded forest. There were two sets of them the first set were light and fast, the second heavy and loud. Panting could also be heard alongside the running footsteps. If there was anyone else around, then they would have seen a young teenaged girl being chased by tall, muscular man. He was dressed head to toe in black leather, his face red from the heat and the running. The girl wore a shredded dress, they was practically nothing left of it.

The chase continued until there was no more of the forest left and they were out in the open, on a road surrounded by houses. Witnesses. The girl smiled she knew this man didn't want to have witnesses. They continued to run the girl swiftly weaved inbetween different objects, this included moving cars and vans.

She skimmed one of the cars ever so slightly and almost got hit. The man was not so lucky, he didn't miss the car. He went straight into it and went flying over the bonnet. A manly scream could be heard, slowly followed by a womans, this had to mean that the driver of the car was infact a woman.

The girl still ran not even looking to see if the man was alright, she didn't want him to be alright. He was the one chasing her afterall. She ran miles until she could not run anymore, she ran until there were blisters on her feet, she ran until they bled, she ran until she had no idea where she was anymore. She stopped in an alley way, dreading the days ahead as she slept on the cold, stone floor.


So that was the prologue of my story. It's my first time doing a prologue. I hope it's alright.

I hoped you liked that, it's a lot different than my other tow stories but I stil tried. I will put more chapters soon but as I am doing two tohers stories I don't know how that's going to go.

Don't forget if you liked that please, Vote, Comment and Fan.

The shifter of many shapes. [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now