Chapter 5.

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Hey guys.

How's it going?? Sorry for taken so long. I just went into the unknown for a bit and didn't really want to do any of my stories...sorry. Gomen.

Anyway, I will try hard to update as soon as possible again.

Again I'm sorry.

On with the story.


And their training began. Misty felt it was very important to get him to be able to fight. And in the correct way. The training was hard on him and at times he found it hard to cope with what she was teaching him. But he went through with it no matter how hard it could. There could be times when she needed him, and this would help him help her.

Everyday they trained and by the end of everyday he would be covered in cuts and bruises. She forgot how much the training would hurt him. She forgot that his heeling speeds were not as fast as hers. The thought made her sigh. She wished he wouldn't get hurt so badly...but he did.

It was the last day of their training and she gave him plenty of breaks as this training was harder than the rest she had given him. By the end of it he was panting hard and was hurt more than he had been before.

'Tom, are you alright.' She asked him as he bent over in order to gather his lost breath.

He nodded, he was completely unable to get any words out of his mouth. He was trying too hard to get his breath back.

'Well the good news is that the training is done. After today there is no more.' She said to him, forwning at how tried he was.

He nodded again, still not able to speak. This made Misty's heart feel unusual. She didn't know why it felt like that, but knowing that he could be hurt, it made her heart hurt too. She passed him a bottle of water and pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind.

After he was given a few minutes to get back to normal he was able to speak once more. As he spoke to her he smiled. He was happy that he had finally completed his much needed training. They had been training for weeks, non-stop.

'You okay, now?' She asked him. She tilted her head.

He looked at her as she asked him her question ad had no choice but to smile at the wonderful tilt that her head done as she asked him. 'I'm always okay. When you're with me.'

He knew that was cheesey. He knew the minute that sentence left his lips. He couldn't help but say it to her though, he said it because he knew it was true. Every word that he said in that sentence was true, he could it from the  very bottom of his heart, deep in his soul. He knew he belonged with this girl.

It's funny what one little sentence can do...

A little smile appeared on her face, she too could tell that it was true. 'Come one.' She said, reaching her hand towards him. 'We better be leaving again, eh?'

He grabbed her hand and they feld once more, making sure not to leave any traces of them behind. Hoods over their faces and smiles ever present on their faces. They ran for miles, taking breaks every now and then.

They stopped for the night and they had stopped at a cliff. It showed the sunset before their very eyes. They sat there and watched as the sun slowly went past the horizon. As they sat there they held hands but not taken their eyes from the breath-taking sight before them.

'I haven't seen the sunset in a long time.' She said, talking to herself more than him. But as she said it she couldn't help but have a smile gracing her small features.

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