Chapter One

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I sat in the car, grimacing, as the cab driver pulled to a stop. Sighing heavily, I reached over and opened the car door, jumping out. We both headed to the trunk and took out all my suitcases, all of which were over stuffed, placing them on the ground. I grabbed two, along with a tote bag, and rolled them towards the door. The taxi driver handled the other three, and followed.

"Would you like for me to wait until you get in?" He asked as we approached the large house.

Too upset to speak, I just shook my head and saw him nod an okay.

I cannot believe my parents sent me to my biggest frienemy's house. For the whole summer. As if it couldn't get any worse, they didn't even drop me off themselves. Leaving a whole three days early, they decided to spend some time at a hotel to prepare before their fabulous 'Couples Retreat.'

Grumbling, I kicked some gravel as I rang the doorbell. I heard the car start up and zoom off as I waited. Just as I was about to turn around and call my beloved parents, a tall, lanky woman answered the door.

"Are you Deisy?" She asked.

I nodded, a fake smile plastered across my face, "Yep-- thanks for letting me stay." More like: I can't wait to leave this hellhole.

The woman invited me in and introduced herself as Maria Engel Reed. Oh, so you're the one who birthed the little demon. Gee, thanks.

She then took me to my room and told me to settle down and unpack for a bit before visiting the stable and seeing my horses. That reminded me about how anxious I was to see Duke, and be able to stroke his soft coat. I missed my big stinker.

I quickly unpacked, tossing things down in drawers and boxes. It was boring, but I got the job over with. All right, to the ponies.

I changed into a pair of tan breeches, a black belt, and field boots along with a faded, solid pink polo. I then headed down the stairs quickly. I had no clue where to go, so my best bet was to find this Maria demon-birthing lady.

Walking through the large house, I wished I knew exactly where this woman was, but alas, I did not. So I awkwardly wandered from room to room, trying my best not to disturb anything and hopefully go unnoticed. I entered what I assumed was the office and spotted a wall of trophies. Immediately becoming curious, I stalked over to the case and began reading the awards.

Of course they were all Gisele's, and all first places and championships. There were several newspaper articles clipped out and framed nicely in the trophy cabinet.

On another wall, championship ribbons hung neatly. There had to be a couple hundred and the trophy collection probably neared two hundred medals and trophies. I heard an awkward cough and movement behind me, alerting me of a presence. I spun around, an apology forming at my lips because I had been caught red handed snooping around the house.

Before I could say anything though, the person spoke first. "Seriously? I mean I knew you were jealous, but I didn't realize you were so jealous you wanted to steal my awards." Gisele crossed her arms and gave me a smug grin, noticing how uncomfortable I was.

Well, there went my apology. She didn't wanna play nice? Fine. "Actually, I was making sure you hadn't stolen any of mine. We both know how touchy and annoyed you get when I beat you." I wanted to wince at my poor comeback, but I retained my slightly irritated and haughty look. I matched her disgust, but it didn't seem to touch Gisele at all. In fact, she knew it was poor and used it to her advantage. She raised an eyebrow and snorted in disbelief, trying to make me uneasy.

I flinched, hoping she wouldn't notice, but she did and had a good laugh. "If that's all it takes to make you crack, I'm pretty surprised you haven't already gone crazy."

I was almost ready to just turn around and leave. There was really no point; I had already lost miserably. "You're right. I normally put up a better fight. But sometimes people just aren't worth my breath. I feel with all the ignoring you do, you'd understand that the best."

Gisele rolled her eyes but didn't respond with her normal snappy retort. "Whatever. My mother sent me to take you down to the barn. So hurry up. I know you normally slack off, so if you don't mind, come on."

I ignored that final jab and followed her out of the room and down the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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