Chapter One - A Pair Of Boots At The Park

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(A Year Earlier)

I hear a honk in our front yard, it's uncle Steve with his SUV. I go and tell mom he finally arrived. It's our last day in this house, I go out and look at our house for the very last time. It used to look very bright and happy when I was a kid, with the house full in color, friends and family hanging and talking in the living room. You could still hear the laughter and the scent of Lechon coming throught the window.
But now it has a for sale sign sticked in the front yard, the house has turned dull as the paint had faded through out the years, it now looks empty all and all. Its really sad that we're leaving but what do you know? Life takes you places. I see mom and dad coming out with our luggages "Don't just stand there, helps us Alex" mom orders me as she carries a big one down the steps, uncle Steve also helps putting the bags into his SUV.
I get inside to pack some more stuff. I see Danilo sitting on his bed, I look at him and say "Hey. We're leaving" it took him a few seconds to reply while I dug through my closet
     "But I don't wanna leave" he looks down at the floor
     I stop what I'm doing and sit near him "Yeah me too, but sometimes we just have to go with the flow you know?" I pat his back "let's see where it takes us. Now come on, get ready" He walks out of the room to also pack up and get ready. I finish packing our bags. A shiny bracelet sits on the table "Oh! Almost forgot this" I pick up the bracelet, If I could just see you again Stell. the bracelet was given to me by my best friend Stella Iñigo.
Her dad, I remember is a great at metal crafts, maybe thats how she was able to make this bracelet. I stare at it for a minute before quickly putting it inside my pocket. I get out of the house and go straight into the car with our things already there. My uncle drives straight to the airport passing by the neighborhood, the park, the church, and the town itself. After awhile we reach our destination, we get out of the car and start to take the bags out of the trunk "Everybody Ready?" mom turn to us and we nodded back as our reply.
Hours pass and time had come for us to leave. As the we got near the tunnel, I looked at the view once more before I leave, a view of a simple yet an extravagant town. Lights shining, the sounds of cars beeping through the highway, and the lovely dusk scenery of the mountain as the sun sets behind it. A town filled with memories I could say. I turn away from the window and head towards the plane.
     It took about three hours and a half to land and depart. As we get out of the plane and head to arrival we see aunt Linda, a family friend, is there waiting for us. She notices me and says "Hey Alex? How are ya?"
We get out of the airport and in to her car, we drove to a town called San Jose, it looks quiet but believe me there are some malls placed on the area, so you know its bustling in the day.
We reached our "new" house which my dad had built earlier this year. The house isn't that big as our old home, it looks wierdly enough like one in Valejo, California. The furnitures were already there, the smell of paint and wood spreads through the inside the house. We finished packing our bags, me and my brother got upstairs to our new rooms. It was spacious enough for both of us. I claimed my bed near the window as he claimed the bed in the other corner.
The view on the window was nice, you could clearly see the maintains from a far.
I wonder if the sun sets down in that direction? As it was night time i swfitly drift into sleep, I'll need some getting used to this place. New school, new everything I guess. I'm kinda tired of my parents always changing my school every now and then but what can I do they're my parents.
Oh almost forgot to introduce myself—Alex Santiago, 15 years old, 10th grade. To be honest I've always wanted to play in varsity for football but didn't really had a chance to show my skill on that kind of level, usually the reason because of this is that I kept moving schools. We settled in to town my parents then enrolled my brother, Danilo and I to a school named Lazaro College, I don't really know what's the reputation of this school but it has a good history and have great facilities, or so I've heard.

The day before school

I woke up early morning today and I kinda had a feeling that wanted to go to the town's park to so you know? Get to know the place better. I got down the stairs "Hey sport!" Dad greeted "Good Morning" I sat on the dinning table, Mom, slid plates of toast, hotdogs, scrambled eggs on the table, Dad sniffed and smiled "My favorite breakfast meal" then quickly ate his meal. After a while Danilo came and quickly sat on the table, maybe he caught the smell of breakfast that's for sure, we had a family chat when we were together but wasn't that long, hours passed by. We went through breakfast then later lunch, I took permission from my mom and dad to head for the park today, got ready and before I set out to the neighborhood, I grabbed some money so you know I can buy something along the way. Danilo wanted to come along, he asked Mom if he could come and she of course allowed him so now I have to bring him with me. We left the house at 3:00pm and walked to town (it was just a 25 minute walk from our house).
We were walking through the streets and saw a sports shop with a sign saying "Football boots/cleats for sale" I wanted to check it out, I told my brother "Danilo let's stop here for a while, I wanna check something out okay?" "Yeah sure" he simply answered. As we went in we saw an old shop keeper welcoming me to his store, it was an old looking shop and there were a variety of boots you could see there, from vintage to the latest, this old man has a taste for those cleats.
I browsed around while Danilo sat on the bench near the changing rooms are. The shoes were neatly put on a wooden rack and that made it made it look more appealing. I've been looking at the shoes he has in his store and he's got everything from Nike, Adidas, to Puma and Umbro, I think he's got all the brands that I know "Woah, you have like everything here?" I asked "Yeah, I got everythin laddy, just pick what you like in any of them" he answered.
Something caught my eye; a pair of Adidas boots colored red & white. I looked at it closely, the shopkeeper walked near to me and said "oh that one is called Predator, 2012 model" "2012 huh? Still looks good as new eh? How much is it" i asked "I don't know, maybe about between $105-120?" "Um how about $95?" I countered "hmm.. That's a fair deal, Sold!" the old shopkeeper went to the stock room to find my size while I waited at the counter to pay for the shoes.
After he had found my size the old man asked me "Your aren't from here huh? What's your name?" "No, I'm new here, my name is Alex.. Alex Santiago" "Well nice to meet you Alex, I'm Gary Seville" he said while we shook hands "Well here you go Alex, have a nice day" he said, my brother ran near me to see what I've bought and said "Hey can I see your new shoes?" "Well well whose this young lad?" Gary asked "Oh this little guy is my brother, Danilo" I answered while I patted Danilo's back "Danilo this is Mr.Seville" "Hello Mr.Seville" Danilo said to Gary "Oh just call me Gary, no need to be formal there" he replied "Okay Gary, I think we're gonna head out, nice meeting you!" I said "Sure okay have a good day your two!" He replied "Bye Gary" Danilo said.
As we went out of the store my brother asked if there was a park near this part of town, we tried to find it but we had a hard time finding a park around the area. Later we saw a girl with a hoodie jogging to the other side of our direction, when she was near I asked her "Excuse me miss, um can I ask, where's the park here?" "Oh the park? That's where I'm heading actually" she replied "Can you show us the way while you're at it?" asked said, she removed her hoodie and woah she strucked me, she's one of those athletic girls that have a pretty look. Like Alex Morgan with the brownish hair, tanned skin and all. she looked at me a bit strange and said "Yeah sure it's just about 2 blocks from here, I'll show you the way" she answered and we jogged with her.
"Are you new here? Haven't seen you around" she asked "Ah yes we are, we just moved here you know?" I replied "Oh heh I knew it. He's your brother?" she asked "Yes he is" I answered "Hello" Danilo butt in "Hello" she politely answered "Oh almost forgot to introduce myself, my name is Alex Santiago this little guy over here is Danilo" I held out my hand "Well nice to meet you two, I'm Clarissa Mallorca" accepting my handshake.
"C'mon try to keep up on with me you two! The park's just over there!" Clarissa said "Bet you can't faster then me!" I challenged her, then Danilo ran ahead of us before we even started "Don't go too far okay Danilo?" I shouted at him and I heard him shout "Sure" as a reply, we tried to keep up on him but as far as I know he's a fast kid "Your brother's fast!" Clarissa was astonished with his pace "Yep I think he got it from me" I joked "oh really?" she smirked at me while we jogged to the park.
We then reached the park with Danilo already playing at the playground. "So um here we are; the park. Wanna get something to drink?" she asked "Yeah, I think I need it" I replied. The park was a wide field with fences and gates on each side with playgrounds and huts, it even has a little garden and monuments on the center, also has a basketball court and a futsal sized grass field (for football I guess?) and in the corner we saw a store in the park and we decided to go there "Hey Alex, what do you want?" She asked "Um just water I guess?" I answered "Okay. Two water bottles please" she said to the Bartender "Cold o warm?" the bartender asked "Cold" Clarissa replied "That'll be $1.5" the bartender said. "Oh here Alex" she handed me the bottle "heh thanks" I said her "Exhausted already?" Clarissa asked "Nope still fresh" I answered.
We sat on the chairs under a shade next to the store "So Alex? Where were you when before your family moved here?" we drank our water "I was in the province, my dad moved here first then he brought us. Then my mom had a job offer and here we are!" I answered then she nodded "So what's your dads work?" "He's an ops manager at some company" I put my head down a bit then she then looked at me "You seriously don't know you're dads company?" she laughed lightly "He's been away for a bit long time so I didn't have a chance to ask okay?" I as well started to laugh. "How about your dad? Where does he work?" I asked "Oh my dad? He has his own business right around the corner of that block" she pointed at the large building with a store covering the whole ground floor of the building. It was a restaurant café, the only one in the area. The building was 4 stories high with fine touches in its architecture "Woah so your dad owns that?" I resisted to drop my jaw in awe "Yup! It took him a long time to build his business to you know?"
After we finished drinking the water a bunch of guys in shorts and cleats approached her and one of them said "Hey Claire! Wanna play football with us?" "Oh hey David, of course!" She answered "Great! We need one more player though" he asked Clarissa. "Oh hey Alex can you play football?" She asked me "Oh well it's a good time to try these boots for the first time! Of course can I play!" I answered "Well that's great! He's Alex and he's with me guys!" she said to the guys "Nice to meet you Alex. So now? We're settled? 5 on 5!" David said to everyone. I'm assuming David here is the captain of a team because of how he acts, and I was surprised that when we took the ball to it to the pitch he was a goalkeeper! But I shouldn't be considering his height, he's a six footer!
They began picking teams and before I play I've put my football boots on so I can play, i was with Clarissa of course and the other 3 guys she picked which she also introduced me to them, Sergio the goalkeeper; also a tall guy with slender arms and really a shot blocker, Mateo the left back; tall strong and can read passes can even play center mid from time to time, and Anghelo the winger; small but fast, a dribbler, and gets aggressive when he tries winning the ball.
When we all got to know together Clarissa told me about something about David's team I needed to know, she told me "Alex just watch out on David's team, especially on their defense. Phillip and the left and Ramos on the right both strong and tactical on the field" "Uh huh, one of them is small though" I questioned "yeah that's Phillip but don't underestimate him, that guy is fast and agile, he can nick the ball from you very easy" she answered "how about their attackers?" I asked her, Anghelo then joined in our conversation and said to me "Hey look Alex, their attackers are good so we must watch out on them" "Well what a way to interrupt" Clarissa said to Anghelo "I'm just trying to help" he replied "Well then.. go help" she sarcastic said "Okay Alex those guys are Mauro and Javier, both are clinical on goal but both of them are good only in some areas" he said to me "Go on" I replied "Javier is pacey and Mauro is a threat in aerial situations, that makes them a deadly force so you have to watch out on them on attack" he warned me "Not a problem" I replied. "Done talking?" Clarissa said to Anghelo "Yep, let's start the match" Anghelo replied "finally" she mumbled "David! Rock paper scissors, the winner kicks off" she said to David "Sure" David replied. David won so they'll start the game. We positioned ourselves, I play forward with Clarissa and Anghelo partnered with Mateo in defense and Sergio at the back.
Mauro started and Javier was already running up the pitch, Mauro lobbed the ball up to Javier but Mateo intercepted it and passed it forward to Clarissa and wow she's got skills, she nutmegged Ramos! I ran up the field to support the attack, she passed the ball to me and Phillip was infront of me I slowed down and faked to the right and went left to the wing area making me space to cross the ball for Clarissa. Phillip was catching up to me and later blocked my cross, good thing Anghelo was at the back supporting and saved the ball before it went out for a throw. He then chip passed it to Clarissa who was open on the right but it got headed out of danger by Ramos who was behind her. The ball went straight to Javier who dribbled it up the pitch dribbling over the defense, Javier then passed it to Mauro before running into the box Mateo guarded him while Anghelo chased after Javier, Mauro then passed it back to Javier who was in an open space and shot the ball to the top right corner scoring the opener for the game, David's team cheered on while Javier teased the keeper "Top corner Sergio, what happened to you?" "That's just gonna be a one time chance Javier, don't push it" Sergio said to Javier before he went to his own half.
We restarted the game, 1-0 the score. Me and Clarissa kicked off, passing the ball to the defense and slowly going up the field, Anghelo supported the attack while we pressed higher in their half, we then burst the attack with one touch passes breaking the oppositions form. Clarissa saw the chance to go forward and place herself inside the box, Anghelo then passed it to me as I ran up the wing area again this time Ramos guarded me, as he got near me in a diagonally I decided to do the roulette on him to get around and it worked and now I'm running up the pitch ready to cross the ball, Phillip was confused who to guard and in that moment that he decides to get the ball and leave Clarissa I crossed the ball to her and she head the ball down to the goal so David won't be able to save it scoring the equalizer for the team making the game level "It works every time" she smirked to David "It won't next time" he replied. We then went back to our half so we can restart the game.
Before Mauro and Javier kicked off the ball David shouted "Hey for the game the Golden Goal rule will be applied!" "What? Why?" Clarissa asked "That's a great idea, so we can finish the game!" Ramos acclaimed "Okay okay sure, we'll apply it" Clarissa replied. The golden goal rule means when the next team to score a goal will be the winner of the game, that's a great idea if you want finish the game or just continuously play for hours and never find a winner. Mauro and Javier kicked off and they attacked swiftly passing through the defense like a post Javier chip crossed the ball upfront to Mauro, Mauro tries to head it on goal but oh what a save my Sergio! "Push on!" shouted Sergio before launching a strong throw to Mateo who headed it to Clarissa, when she got the ball she used her back heel to pass it to Anghelo, he ran up the field beating both Phillip and Ramos on dribble, I supported him at the back to rebound the ball when it deflects. When he got in the box he was 1 on 1 with the keeper! He positioned himself before he shot, faked to the right but shot on his left curving the ball to the bottom corner with power but David was quick enough to react and save the shot! We almost won it but I think we have to be more patient.
David signaled his team to press higher before kicking it up to the field. The ball reached to Phillip who then chipped it to Javier, he had a great run up the pitch before shooting it to the top corner again going over the defense and the shot was on target! But good thing Sergio dived to get the ball and stop him from getting another goal and finishing the game "I told you Javier, not twice!" Sergio mocked Javier. Sergio then passed it low to the defense Anghelo got the ball and passed it quickly to Mateo, he runs up to the middle and then passes it to Clarissa who then passed it to me and I run up the pitch facing Mauro and beating him in the challenge "Anghelo! Get forward!" Clarissa ordered him, he then run up forward to support me. I passed the ball to him and passed it back to me so we can get over Phillip but Ramos was there when to ready to tackle the ball from me but I did something that would surprise them; rainbow flick over Ramos! When I got passed I already saw Anghelo being guarded by Phillip. Clarissa was the only one open so I passed it to her so he can distribute it to Anghelo, Clarissa made a low lob pass to him and I think he might do a flick, I was right. When he received the ball he sumbrero flicked over Phillip, David guarded on in the side Anghelo but the moment focused on him Anghelo crossed the ball just the right time and the right direction for me to smash the ball with a volley into the goal! 2-1 the score!
Anghelo ran and shoulder bump me in a celebratory way. Clarissa and the whole team ran up the field and we high fived each other knowing we won "Looks like we won David" Clarissa mocked him "Well you beat us this time Claire" he replied, David then approached me and said "Woah that was a great strike Alex" "Totally got me there, where did you learn that flick? That was awesome" Ramos asked "Thanks David, just practiced it myself" I answered "Oh woah, self taught huh?" David asked "Looks a lot like my story" Anghelo boasted "Oh please, we don't wanna hear your story again" Javier joked.
After we finished the match, Me, Clarissa, Mateo, Anghelo, Ramos, Sergio and David stayed and relaxed in one of those huts in the park while Mauro, Javier, and Phillip wanted to go home. "Huh, never knew you played football Clarissa?" I asked her "That girl is a lioness in the pitch as you have seen" Mateo smirked "Well I play varsity In my school's club" she said "That explains how good you are" I replied. When we all regained our strength I remember Danilo playing at the playground and when I quickly got up and went out of the hut Clarissa asked me "Hey! Where you going?" "I gotta check on my brother!" I answered "Oh yeah your brother!" She replied. We went to the playground looking for him but he wasn't there! We check on the field if he was there but nope until we went to the garden there we found him, so I called him and he came to me and I asked "What are you doing here??" "Well I got bored on the playground Kuya so decided to check out the other places" he answered "Your game took long so I decided to go here" he added "Wait, you saw our game?" I said to Danilo "Yeah! Hey can you teach me how to do that flick?"he replied, I then rest my arm on his shoulder patted his back and said "C'mon lets go to the huts and rest".
When we got there the guys were still there but they already wanted to go home and also rest "Hey I think we need to go" David said to us "Yeah sure take some rest guys, bye" Clarissa said to the guys "Bye Claire. Bye Alex." The guys said, as they left it was only me, my brother, and Clarissa. "Hey, I had fun today" she said to me "Yeah, we make a great team huh?" I replied "Yeah we do" I answered "Hey um I think I'm gonna go, it's getting pretty dark" she said, I check my watch it was already 5:49pm and replied "Yeah it is, so see you next time? I guess?" "Yeah sure!" She took out a pen and small piece of paper wrote something and handed it to me "Here's my number" she said to me before leaving. "Ooh looks like kuya's got a date!" Danilo teased me "It's not a date Danilo, we just met" I said to him "But later I know you'll ask her out" he teased "What? C'mon lets go home" i said to him "And oh stop watching those drama shows with mom" I added "Why?" he asked "It's messing up your brain!" I pointed to his head, we left the park and headed home.
When we got home mom asked us "So, how was your day? And did you explore the town?" "Well i bought football cleats in the store and we went to the park, that's all" I said to mom "Alex got a date mom!" he said before running to the living room "Oh a date?" Mom asked "No it's not a date, a girl just gave me her number, that's all" I said "Well what did you two do in the park?" she asked "Well first I bought a pair of football cleat then we went to the park, Danilo was at the playground while I played football with a bunch of guys" I answered "Well atleast you go along with the others better, not like last time" she said to Alex "It was his fault! Using his elbow to push me away from the ball!" Alex replied Well do you two want merienda or go straight to dinner?" Mom changed the subject "Dinner!" Danilo answered "Well dinner it is" mom replied "Where's dad?" I asked mom "Still at work, you know double shifts" mom answered. I cleaned my cleats and placed it on our shoe rack before going to the dining table.
When dinner was ready Dad came just in time to eat with us "So what did you do you two? Dad asked, Danilo answered "Alex got a dat-" "It's not a date" I batted in "We just played football at the park" "Well atleast you got to know somebody Alex and hey don't forget sleep early today, school's tomorrow" dad reminded us "Sure dad" we both answered. After we finished dinner and doing chores (and freshening up) it was time to go to bed, I went to my room and I remember that note Clarissa gave me, I grabbed my phone and texted her "Hey, Alex here" after a few minutes no reply yet, maybe she's as sleep? or busy? I don't know but too tired to stay up and wait for reply, I just remembered what happened today and that made me sleep. It was a good day.


Author's Note:
Hey guys! First book. First update. How's the story? Is it good? Does it need more work? Let me know. But let me tell you it's gonna get better! Just wanted to say guys I'm a slow updater so it might take me a week (or less) to finish a chapter.
Oh and I wanna give a shout out to my friend Kae_Sangster11 hey buddy! Kamusta ka na?
That's all for now.




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