§ Chapter 6 § - The new loop

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"Comon'." I said to my hollow in Hollowspeak. It Stood fully up, starting to lead me again through the trees. We got to a mossy clearing, with spanish moss hanging in low intertwining tree limbs. I shoved the moss away, seeing a glossy film behind a Small waterfall. Brute trotted through it, and I followed closely behind him. I slid my hands through my wet hair, as we went into the film. We came out on the other side, landing in some snow. I immediately started shivering violently inside my wet clothes, so I took of my soaking shirt. (I'm a boy, by the way if you did't know so this is normal.) I took my jacket, Sliding it on and zipping it up. Since Brute has helped me so much, and he was shivering quite a bit; so I took my other coat that I usually wear under my other and Helped him put it on. Like how you would put a shirt or somethin' on a large dog, and I zipped It up for him. "Lets go."  He trotted around on all fours In the snow. I slowly followed, trudging through the knee-high snow in a straight line. We halted to a sudden stop. I glanced around, seeing a bird. Brute lunged at It, with outstretched tentacles. It squawked, starting to run around In circles. Brute chased after it, wrapping his tentacles around the poor, helpless bird. "Stop!!" Somebody screamed. "Stop, now." I said to Brute. It stopped, letting go of the bird. "Sit." I commanded. Brute did so. I glanced around, seeing a shadow walk out from behind a chunk of snow. He walked closer, his features becoming more defined. It was a boy, about my age, With Black hair and dark brown eyes. So dark, you have to squint to see the pupils. "Who are you.," I spoke to him. "Beck Bentley," He responded. "And that," He pointed to the bird. "Is Miss Ptarmigan.". "What?" I asked a little dumbfounded. "How could a bird have a name..." I said, not really asking. I thought, This is a Ymbryne. "Wait." I said outloud, waving my hand In the air. "Thats a Ymbryne, right?" "Yeah..," Beck said, "How'd you know?","Lucky Guess??" I said, With him looking suspicious. Miss P. Waddled behind a glacier, flapping her feathers. She came back out, as a old woman. (Not to be rude.).I looked at her. "And what should your'e name be, mister?" She asked me. "Hayes..Portman." Clearly she had never met my grandfather, because She didn't say anything about him. "Well nice to meet you, Hayes," She stated.
She didn't saw my hollow, Just a floating jacket. Without my peculiar ability, to other peculiars, hollows are invisible. Crap..., I shouldn't have gave my hollow that jacket. "Whats that,?" She asked. "A hollow?" Beck said. "Uhm, My Peculiar dog, It's invisible.."
"Ah," She said. My hollow twitched, wanting to consume at least one of their peculiar souls. Stay calm. I said In my mind, to Brute. Act like a dog. Brute started to pace around, Making panting noises and fake barks.
Lord, Iv'e gotten into the wrong loop.

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