Demigods save the Queen

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Hey guys! I'm baaaccckk!! Sorry it took me so long to write, my first story was just an experiment which turned out to be a butt load of crap. So hopefully this one will turn out better than the other.

(FYI : this story takes place 8 years after The Heroes of Olympus)





"Jo! Jo! Joooooooo!"

"Grover, go away!" I moaned from inside a blueberry bush. Yes, inside a blueberry bush was were I had chosen to take my nap, don't judge! I am a daughter of Demeter after all! It had taken me three whole months to turn this blueberry bush into the major awesomeness that it is now from a seed. Using my powers (Thank you Demeter!!) I had shaped it into a sort of shelter that I could sneak into with a book and some snacks to spend the day quietly. Or of course to just take a nap.

Grover put his hand over his eyes to shade them from the sun. "Where are you? Percy has been looking for you!"

"Why?" I called back

"I don't know."

I smirked "But why don't you know?"

"It doesn't matter why I don't know!!" He seemed to be getting fustrated

My smile got even bigger, "Why doesn't it matter that you don't know?" Oh, how I loved to mess with Grover.

"Get out here right now or I'm telling Annabeth!"

My smile disappeared instantly, ever since she's been pregnant...well lets just say she doesn't skimp on the punishments. (No worries you guys, it's Percy's baby. Not some random other person.) I crawled out of my bush and blinked in the sudden sunlight, then jogged over to an upset looking Grover.

He just stood there with his arms crossed.

"Where to?" I asked

"We arn't going anywhere until you apologize." He said firmly

I cocked my head downwards and slightly to the side, looked up at him, stuck out my lip, and gave him my deluxe puppy dog face.

He just narrowed his eyes without reacting to my puppy dog face. Gosh dang-it, he was immune. Even though I loved to annoy him, he was still one of my favorite people... I mean satyrs at camp half-blood, sort of like a second father. "Sorry, Grovey."

He nodded his head approvingly, "Well anyways, Percy is waiting for you on the porch of the big house, he said it was urgent."

"So let me get this straight, Percy said it was urgent but you take your sweet time trying to get me to apologize!?" I sighed "You know what, just forget it."

I sprinted towards the big house after calling "Bye!" over my shoulder.

I ran past the dining pavilion then past the cabins until I felt something in my hair as I ran. I flipped out! I shook my head back and forth (lol, I whip my hair back and forth I whip my hair back and forth!) again and and again until of course a couple of blueberries fell out of my hair and into the dirt at the foot of the stairs leading up to the porch of the big house.

I looked up to see Percy staring at me, "Well that's... special." Percy mumbled under his breath. (Percy is about 25 at this point I think, and so is Annabeth)

"Your just jealous! But anyway, what's wrong?"

"I need you help escorting a new half-blood in Boston to camp."

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