chap. 2

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So, it's my second week of college and i managed to get this out hopefully wont be too busy with work so i can keep posting quite regularily

Charlottes Pov

Smirking as I watched Alexis as she shifted in her seat nervous, she obviously expected me to go easy on her. Pushing my glasses back up my nose I started “Full name” I said in a demanding voice. She let out a breath sighing softly “phew, Alexis Grant” 

“second question, birthday?” 

She smiled widely this time “2 weeks till I’m 18 so 29th August.” 

“where do you live and with who?” I asked a two part question just as she had.

“I actually live on the same street as you number 36, and I live with my parents and my little brother”

I nodded this then asking what I had been wanting to ask for a while “How old were you when you knew you were a lesbian?”

“wha… Oh, I was 13 when I knew I was interested in girls, but I didn’t come out till I was 15, why?” she said wide eyed. “curious.” was all I said shrugging. Continuing I asked “are you really a player then?” this time she laughed loudly and looked in the direction of the girl called Melissa who was throwing furious glances our way. “No, I’ve only had two girlfriends since I came out, and I dated a girl called Jess during the holidays, well I say dated, we met up twice but I’m not really interested in her y’know” I nodded knowing the feeling, I had never met any one I was particularly interested in, then again I didn’t get asked out much either. All my past friends had told me I was good looking and that if I put more effort in I could get a boyfriend, but I was never bothered I liked my quiet peaceful life the way it was. I finished asking my questions choosing more normal ones like hobbies and favourite foods I watched as she settled against the wall closing her eyes.

 I began comparing the still statue of Alexis to myself she was an inch or two taller than me. And had a slim straight figure, minimal curves almost a boyish figure that wasn’t helped by the fact she was wearing jeans and what looked like a boys shirt with the sleeves rolled up. I had a plain face hidden by glasses and my fringe my long dark hair framed my face, I always wore the required school uniform no matter where I went. Except at weekends then I would wear plain t-shirts and jeans. Most of my time was spent reading books, I read anything and everything, and avoided most sports that included physical contact. Looking back at my manga (bleach) I flicked through the pages finding it all very boring. Luckily the bell rang signalling morning break, gathering up my book laden bag I followed Alexis out of the room as she had eagerly sprung to her feet. Following her she turned to me “Hey Charlotte, I’m going to have to head to detention but I will leave you with Alison okay?” I nodded glad to not be alone on my first day during break. Walking to the lockers we met Alison who was clinging to Shaun and standing next to a gloomy looking Mason. Alexis waved eagerly as Shaun slowly turned Alison round to face use, who squealed in excitement “How was class guys? Charlotte?”

“Detention.” Alexis was first to answer as she shrugged her shoulders and messed up her hair.

“It was okay, although I have already read Hamlet, and free period was interesting” I smirked at Alexis, who looked slightly confused. Mason spoke up quickly looking sternly in our direction “Why? What happened? Alex?” his anger peaking. Alexis opened her mouth to speak but before she could say anything I interrupted “Oh, some cheerleader called Melissa told Alexis off for being a player” I added air quotations as I said this. Alexis smiled then looked down at her watch “Crap, I have to go, I’m going to be late for detention! Bye, see you all later!” and she ran off gracefully and speedily in the opposite direction. Mason smirked then “So has the player turned her charms on you yet?” he elbowed me, I turned to glare at him “No, but if HE does, I’ll tell HIM where to go.” I said stalking away as he stuttered after me. I had got to the end of the hallway and turned the corner when I realised I was by myself, and I didn’t know my way around the school. Damn. I was determined not to turn around back to Alison, Shaun and the creep Mason, but I was now lost in a huge school. Sulking I turned back the way I thought I had come only to find out I was more lost then before. I let out a long sigh and took out my time table. I had p.e. next I grumbled, not looking forward to it at all, but at least I would find it easily as the gymnasium was outside. I kept walking until I found a large row of tall lockers with a bench across from them, sitting down I looked at my watch seeing I had ten minutes left till class, another long sigh before I pulled out my bleach manga. 

I had been reading for about a minute when I heard a loud crashing as a classroom door opened and two figures fell out. One was on top of the other trying to grasp onto the other while the one on the bottom seemed to be struggling to get away “No, Melissa get off me!” the one on the bottom said. The girl on top I recognised as the girl who had been arguing with Alexis earlier “Lexi, why not? No one has to know? Just one kiss please?” the two argued for some time before they realised I was there. Alexis was the girl on the bottom struggling, yet as she looked over at me she smiled cheekily and stood up shaking Melissa off of her. “Melissa, I can’t kiss you, ‘cause I’m with someone” she said to the embarrassed girl and then sat down next to me lifting one of my hands away from my manga and kissing it lightly. Shocked I gasped lightly as her lips touched the back of my hand a tingling sensation spreading through my fingertips. Melissa stood opposite us with her mouth hanging open, narrowing her eyes she spoke to Alexis “A kiss on the hand doesn’t mean anything, you could be lying.” wide eyed I turned to Alexis, wondering how far she would go to prove that we were together, she squeezed my hand gently then stood up “Sorry Melissa, that’s all you’re I’m afraid, this isn’t some sort of show, it’s a real relationship and that’s why I wont fool around with you okay” she said turning her back to Melissa and reaching out for my hand. Placing my stuff in my bag I took her hand and our fingers entwined as we walked away to the sounds of Melissa kicking a locker and storming away. “sorry about that Charlotte, jeez your first day and you’re already in a fake relationship and saving my ass, I owe you big time” she said breaking our hands away, I quickly snatched her hand back surprised at myself as she stopped and looked at me puzzled “erm… we better keep holding hands till the end of the hallway, just in case she can still see?” I stuttered out my excuse quickly as Alexis smiled “Good thinking” she replied as the bell rung for p.e.

Rushing to the gymnasium and sticking close to Alexis I dreaded what sport we would be playing wondering if I could make up an excuse. Maybe I should say I don’t have my gym clothes? Being dragged into the girls locker room Alexis quickly began chatting to some girls throwing her bag into a locker and taking off her shirt. Looking out of the side of my eyes I couldn’t help but admire her body. Her small breasts were covered in a feminine white lacy bra which surprised me. I must of let out a gasp as she looked over at me “Huh, Char?”

“mm?” was all I could reply.

“Did you say something?” she innocently asked as she took off her jeans revealing long thin legs. My face reddened  “no, just getting changed” somehow I thought I was going to start enjoying p.e. as I took my top off I felt something prod the side of my breasts through my blue lacy bra. Turning I saw Alexis with her finger outstretched “What are you doing? Alex?” I screamed at her causing some of the other girl to look. “Sorry” she laughed putting on her running shorts “They are just so…big… I mean I didn’t expect it.” she messed up her hair casually looking at me with an amused expression. Suddenly I wanted the ground to swallow me up I was so embarrassed. “Oh jeez sorry Char. I didn’t mean to freak you out, no more touchy feely promise! I will keep my hands to myself!” and with that she placed her hands over her own breasts causing me to laugh. Content with the apology I put my gym shirt on and hopped up as she pulled a long t-shirt over her head. Hugging her side I whispered “it’s okay, I forgive. I don’t mind really, just ask next time.” after finishing these words I laughed at her face filled with puzzled expression as I dragged her out of the changing rooms. I was definitely going to start enjoying this school.

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