Chapter 3: Escaping

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I woke up in a dark room tied to a chair. The ropes were tight as hell making it impossible to slip out of. God Damn, how did I manage to get kidnapped? I couldn't remember a lot from last night. I knew we were searching for that killer, but did we find him? Is he the one who took me? Why am I still alive? I ran those questions over and over through my head hoping to remember something, anything. A light popped on surrounding me in a circle, limiting what I could see. The door opened and I heard a horrible laugh that sent shivers up my spine. I could tell the person was getting closer. He slowly stepped into the light and saw that it was him, the masked killer. "WHY AM I HERE!?" I shouted to the crazed lunatic. "Shhhh.... Don't talk." His voice slithered through the air causing me goosebumps. "WHO ARE YOU?" I shouted again. "What did I say?" The voice angrily said. "Answer my questions, GODDAMN IT!" I shouted in frustration and fear. He slowly pulled out a knife and I realized the mistake I had made. He kicked my chair over causing my head to slam into the ground. Everything around me looked blurred and fuzzy. He wiped the flat side of the cold blade on my check. "I would hurt you but you wouldn't feel it... yet."


I knew he wouldn't feel my cuts if I did them now. If only he hadn't hit his damn head. I found myself longing to know more about him, "Tell me your name." I hissed. "Only if you say yours." I hoped that he wouldn't remember this later, "Delirious." I hesitantly said. "Vanoss." I could tell it was a nickname.  I left the room so that I could go blow off some steam. I had teased Delirious with our pet owl and he wanted to torture something.


He left me there in the position I was in. Though my mind was still unfocused, I could tell that the ropes had loosened a bit when the chair was kicked over. I slipped one hand out of the restraints and worked on my other hand. Once my hands were free, I rubbed my chafed wrists then commenced to untie my legs' bindings. I was nearly free and I felt a rush of adrenaline rev up my body. I went to the door and opened it, finding I was in a normal house that was a bit dirty. I had to get out of here. I opened the front door and he was right there. I saw his eyes widen beneath the mask, but I made a break for it running for my life. I turned many corners but I knew where I was now. I had the entire city memorized. I climbed to a roof and headed towards my apartment, and I couldn't see Delirious anywhere. I relaxed and took a break, how did I manage this? For a killer, he wasn't that good at chasing his victims. Suddenly a throbbing pain shot through my entire leg. I collapsed under my own weight and saw a knife handle poking out of my thigh. A figure in blue walked over to me and crouched down, we both had our masks on but I knew he was smiling in glee at my pain. He picked me up over his shoulder and carried me back to his house. This time he didn't tie me up but pulled my owl mask off, he knew my identity now... He threw the mask somewhere in the room and kneeled down next to me. He grabbed the knife in my leg and slowly pulled it out, enjoying my screams of pain. He sat on my chest, making it difficult to breathe, and he was faced away from my head. I felt instant pain as he dug his fingers into my thigh. I kept screaming as he moved his fingers deeper in the wound. When he pulled them out he turned his head towards me as he licked my blood off his fingers. "I know one of your members in your group is a doctor. Tell me who and where I can find him, or..." He slowly started putting his fingers in the wound again. As I screamed for mercy I nodded my head furiously. He stopped, ready for my information. I gave him the address and told him which room to go into. Before I left though I begged him not to touch anyone else. He only nodded slightly before leaving. I cried from the pain in my leg and my betrayal. I'm so sorry... I'm so, so sorry Wildcat.

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