And Old Enemy

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The taxi driver did as instructed and had to half carry half walk me inside. Miss.hudson let out a gasp as she saw the state I was in. Together they got me up the steps and Into the living area. When they set me on the couch my knee exploded with pain and I cried (like a baby for his mum) for a bottle of strong alcohol.

   After two bottle were empty on the floor and my knee had settled down I was out like a light on the couch with a warm blanket wrapped round my body. 

   I woke to see Sherlock sitting in his chair just in my field of view, twirling something in his fingers until his eyes fell on me and he quickly inserted it into his coat pocket. I sat up straight and downed a glass of scotch before finally asking him what the objection his pocket was.

   "It was in my knee?!!" I cried when he told me where he got it.

   "Yes. That would explain why you were going half way insane the other night". Said Holmes extending the dart out towards me for my observation.

"Some one must have thought that by making you seem as if you lost your mind it would drive me to forget about the meeting in the park. I am sorry for not accompanying you home but this case is very important.".

"It is fine. That was yesterday today is today". I said.

  "Actually....". Said Holmes.


  "It was two days ago".

  "I hate you".

   A few hours later we were in a carriage bound for god knows where. Holmes filled me in on the meeting at the park. He explained that the girl was the officers girlfriend they had been in a relationship for some time. They frequently went out to expensive places. That particular night, he had showed up to her place and they went on a stroll in the park. She said that he was very anxious that night about something. He frequently looked  behind them almost as if to see if someone was there. He had brought a pack of cigars with him in a silver case and had given her one. A little ways down the path they had heard footsteps behind them, yet when she turned around no one was there. After that he started to walk fast up the track and she ran to catch up and burned his hand thus the burns on his hands. After that he told her to leave and never tel anyone that they were together. She asked why but he kept pushing her away and telling her to buzz off. Eventually she left in tears and and never saw him again.

"I asked her is she had that silver case of cigars with her. She told me that she had left it at her flat and that she would bring it to 221 Baker Street tomorrow". Sherlock said.


  "That was two days ago. She isn't the kind to leave town while she is being investigated so ether she forgot or she is being held against her will".

  "Ok well we know she is staying with her friend so she must be there". I said.

   " She isn't there. While you were sleeping I followed up on her friend. She said that she didn't show up the night after the meeting. So I sent a telegram out to a old friend who is good a finding people who are particularly hard to find. HE asked around and said she was staying....Here stop here please". The carriage stopped and we stepped out onto the sidewalk. We stood in front of a elegant  building. The roof and exterior were neatly polished and washed. The windows were clear as the sea and the little lawn it had was as green as the trees and cut perfectly.

  The symbol on the front of the gate showed a golden Shield with 6 red stripes running from top to bottom and tow lions heads on both sides.

  We walked through the gate and to the door. Sherlock rapped three times on the strengthened red Woden door. several seconds went by in witch I noticed through the window a perfume bottle placed in the left window cill.

  A tall man greed us in the open door. He wore a butler suit with perfectly shined black shoes. Hie had a mustache witch was weighed down to his chin because of the amount of product he had placed inside of it.

  "Yes,hello". said Holmes." We are here to speak with a James Moriarty". 

Sherlock holmes:The Inspector's Great Loss.Book.1Where stories live. Discover now