Your Turn

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Olivia woke up earlier than she intended to. She went and sat in Noah's nursery and watched him sleep. She didn't want to wake him too early and disrupt his schedule. Sitting in his nursery and being his space had become her new place of solitude. Whenever the world got to be too much or she had something on her mind she would go and sit in the rocking chair in his room and just take everything in. Her mind immediately went to her conversation with Elliot last night. She couldn't believe it. Kathleen was dead. She hadn't wrapped her mind around that. He tried to kill himself and she's pretty sure that she was the reason he was divorced. That thought didn't set well with her at all. Although he didn't come right out and say that he loved her, it was clear from the conversation that he had romantic feelings for her.

She loved him, there was no denying that. She pushed it down for so long that she actually started to believe they were actually just partners. But the way he looked at her during those last few years of their partnership and even moreso the way he looked at her now, there was no denying that the romantic tension was still there. If it was thick back then it was suffocating now.

Even when she touched him while comforting him she felt that pull towards him that consued a lot of their partnership years ago and that's why she felt the need to separate herself from him on more than one occasion. She understood his thought process of feeling that distance would help. But another question dogged her. He kept saying that things were better and he was ok why had he contacted her? If it wasn't for the murder case, they would still not be talking. She mentally kicked herself for not asking the question last night but she was so overwhelmed with everything that he revealed that she couldn't think straight enough to ask questions of her own.

Noah started to stir and she immediately jumped up to stand over his crib and greet him.

"Good morning mama's handsome boy," she cooed as he smiled. He always woke up so happy and it made Olivia's days start off on a positive note.

After getting him bathed and dressed she heard Lucy come in. She was moving a mile a minute and didn't see the text message until she was walking to the elevator and checked her phone.

Good Morning. Look forward to seeing you later-El

As much as she hated to admit the text had the same effect on her as his message last night. She immediately started to feel warm and fuzzy inside. As weird as everything was, it was good to have him back in her life.

Good Morning. How did you sleep?

I was a little restless but for good reason.

And what reason is that?

Just thinking over everything. I hope I didn't scare you away.

I'm still responding to your texts aren't I? J

She smiled at herself for her snarky response as she entered the precinct. She never pegged him for much of a texter but enjoyed the banter back and forth. Unfortunately it's all she had time for lately because she hated to talk on the phone for anything other than the work calls she had to take because she hated to disturb Noah more than she had to and she was always on the move.

Touche Miss Benson

"What are you smiling about?" Fin asked. "Pictures of Noah?"

" something else. So have we wrapped up all the paperwork on the Minor case?" she asked trying to change the subject.

"Yep, we even got in the paperwork from Elliot to add to yours. Here it is."

"Oh, thanks."

Fin hung in the doorway expecting her to start talking about her former partner. Everything had been so crazy he hadn't had the chance to talk to her about how she was feeling about him being back in the picture.

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