My Love My Life My Wife

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"Liv, Liv, baby wake up. We have to get going."

Olivia vaguely hears his voice but is having a hard time pulling herself from her deep slumber. She tests her limbs and they are sore everywhere. It's painful but a delicious ache at the same time that reminds her of Elliot's body all over her, inside her. Elliot. Her husband. The thought instantly brings a smile to her face and she rolls over. When she opens her eyes, she sees Elliot smiling back at her.

"What's got a smile on your face this early in the morning Ben-Stabler," he smiles correcting himself.

"You actually."

He grins and bends down to give her a quick kiss that she instantly deepens.

"That's quite a Good Morning," he murmurs against her lips. "And Good Morning to you too," he says kissing her belly. "Are you going to be on your best behavior today? I surely hope so."

She pulls him into another kiss holding on to the back of his neck for leverage.

"Now I know you have to be a little sore but if you keep that up we are going to be late catching our flight," he threatens.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going yet?"

"If you get up and go soak for a few minutes in the bath I ran for you I will give you a hint."

"Ok fine."

She gets up gingerly from the bed testing her muscles, which are in a little better shape than she assumed they would be. After they ate a little last night she caught a second wind and they made love again before falling asleep.

"Oh El, it's not even light outside yet. What time is it?" she whined noticing that there was only a hint of sunlight.

"It's a little after 5," he answered.

She noticed that he packed up almost all of their belongings and looked to have been up awhile.

"How much did you actually sleep? Seriously you have to be tired."

"I slept a couple of hours after you ravaged me the second time but I've been up trying to make sure that everything is prepared for our little trip." He held her hand and walked with her to the bathroom as he talked.

"You're not getting in with me? It's such a big tub" she asked.

"If I get in there, we are going to be late."

"Ill be good I promise," she said tugging at his shorts.

"Are you sure?" he asked giving in.


"Well raise your right hand." Humor was dancing in his eyes and she knew exactly where this was going. She raised her hand and obliged. "Repeat after me. I, Olivia Benson Stabler."

"I, Olivia Benson Stabler," she repeated sucking in her bottom lip trying to stifle her laughter.

"Promise to lay in the tub with my husband and just soak and bathe and will not engage in any further sexual activity that will make us late for the plane ride," he said struggling to keep his composure.

"I can't remember all that, it's early," she whined.

"Ok," he said moving away from her.

"Ok ok, promise to lay in the tub," she started in a slow seductive voice pulling off his shorts, "with my husband and just soak and bathe," she traced the contours of his back with her fingertips causing his breath to hitch, "and will not engage in any further sexual activity," her eyes were low and she tugged on his underwear lowering herself to the floor with them, "That will make us late for the plane ride."

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