Chapter 5

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I could feel my face burning up, as Jack released my ear. "Ugh....Ugh..." E.J licked my ear "What the hell?!" I smacked Jack away Jack smiled "I can tell which freezer that was in" Jack chuckled I continued to stare blankly as my face burnt as hot as when I actually caught fire, possibly hotter. I really didn't want to talk about what just happened.... "I'm ugh... gonna go catch some Z's...." I coughed looking at the clock "Aw, I'd love to hear that sound again, in the bedroom Jeffy~" Jane smirked "In your fucking dreams Jane" I ran up the stairs as fast as possible. Oh god that was embarassing. I sighed as I reached the black door, that led into my new room. I opened the door to see a normal sized bed, a wooden night stand with a few free knifes in it, 2 large windows, and a few other things you would find in a bedroom. I frowned and threw myself onto the deep red sheets. Why am I here?..... It seems nice and all... but... ugh. I leaned back as the memories of when I had woken up in that eyeless dudes arms poured into my head... the way I had acted... the way I shook, had I made myself seem vulnerable?... weak?... will he tell the others?.... Or the way I had moaned, infront of everyone. I shook my head fast, pushing the thoughts into the back of my mind. No... what I should be concerned about is Jane. I could feel anger bubbling up inside of me, just by thinking of that name. I should kill the bitch. I'll give her a slow... painful.... death.... a small laugh escaped my mouth. But... is it against the rules of the mansion to kill one and another? "This is so fucking stupid." I mumbled to myself. I guess even though I hate Jane.... It would be wrong to kill- 'Jeff, we WILL kill Jane' My eyes widened at the voice in my head. I havent heard it in so long 'Yeah, but It's more fun making her upset' I shook. The voice growled at my disagreement 'wE WIlL kIlL jaNe.....' "She is a annoying bitch..." I mumbled. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door. Great one of those freaks again... I opened a door a crack to see the facles- eyeless dude standing at my door. Fuck. I cautiously opened the door slighty more "W-what do you want?..." He sighed "Err... mind if I come in?..." Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. "Ugh... sure?..." I fully opened the door and allowed him to come in. He plopped down on the bed and sighed "I just wanted to apologize... umm... your ear, smelt like kidney, and umm...." My mind thought back to a few moments ago and light blush crept onto my face, I laughed nervously "Its fine...." I assured him. "Yeah.... ugh.... ha... anyway, Slendy wanted me to tell you that tomorrow you will start training at 8:00 sharp, if your late... he'll kick your ass." Jack sighed, getting off the bed. "K...." He left and shut the door behind him. Huh, quick conversation. "NIGHT!" I heard him yell to me down the hall way "...Night" I whispered out, even though he couldn't hear me. I curled up under my covers and fell asleep.

~Eyeless Jacks POV~                                                                                                                                                     "And, would you look at that? He's a hour late." Ben exclaimed, looking down at the time on his 3DS's home page "Oh give him a break, he has only been here for one day" L.J rolled his eyes. "Yeah well, we'll see what happens when Slender gets his claws on 'im." Ben said. And with that Jeff staggered through the door "Hey, sorry I'm-" Jeff was picked up by a pair of black tentacles. "You best be good with that knife of yours Jeffrey." Slender growled. Jeff rolled his eyes and looked across the room at one of the dummies pinned against the wall. I sighed and also glanced over to it. The dummie was at least 15 meters away in the huge training center. I lawled my head to the side knowing it would be impossible to hit from all the way over here. "Well maybe if you would let me fucking go....." Slendy raised Jeff up high and pet him drop. "Well thanks for letting me go." Jeff said, rubbing his head. He then took out his knife, and within a split second, he sent it flying through the dummies head. I stood in awe, as did everyone else. "H-How?...." Jeff laughed "Oh thats nothin', you should see me with a live target...." Huh, remind me to go with him on the next mission...

~Toby's POV~ (Here it comes....)                                                                                                                                   The tall facless man instructed me to come to this mansion place or die, so of course I chose the obvious answer, and chose die, he was gonna kill me, which at first I didn't really understand, you know? 'cause I thought he ment die as in dice. This guy really needs to be more clear on things in the future if Ima live with 'im, eh? You get what I'm sayin'? So, after clearing that outta the way, I chose to live with 'im. So now, I gotta introduce myself to everyone else who lives in the mansion. Huehuehue... he led me into a large common area (Living room) and had me sit down infront of everyone. First impressions are important, so I decided I should play it cool. "Ehhhhhhh, MY NAME IS TOBY~" I yelled "Thats nice, but Im going to call you fuckboy #2" A boy with white skin, burned eyelids, and slit cheeks to make him look like he was forever smiling exclaimed. "Okay, who's numba 1?" I questioned. "Masky" I looked around the room to see a boy with a white feminine looking mask mask-palming himself, and assumed that was Masky "Eh Masky, Eh Masky, Eh Masky." I poked him over and over again "We both have awesome nicknames!" The boy clung onto a yellow hooded boy. "Help me" (;-;) "Ehhhhhhhh, is he numba 3?" (Yup, Toby totally knows how to play it cool alright. >_<) 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2016 ⏰

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