TBM Reviews

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This book will be full of reviews of Wattpad books, both good and bad, though hopefully mostly good. In this first part I will explain how the whole process works in case anyone is curious.

-For me to review your work, you must PM me with the title and length of it. There is a 10 page minimum for anything I review. I will work off of the assumption that you want me to read the whole thing. If you do not, then please specifiy how much you want me to read. Please to not request a review in the comments of this book.

-Payment for a review is a follow or a dedication, but not both. You must do this after I accept your request for a review, not after I'm finished with the review. If I take more than two weeks to finish the review, feel free to take back the payment. NOTE: This only applies to those who request a review from me. If I am the one who approaches you asking permission to review your work, no payment is required.

-I do not do anything rated R, boyxboy/girlxgirl, or fanfictions. I don't mind doing collections of short stories or poems, but they still must meet the 10 page minimum requirement.

-When I write my review, I look at all the basic elements of a story: Plot, grammar, characters, descriptions, dialogue, and flow/pacing, though those are not in order of importance. Rather than giving my opinion on each individual element like in a critique, I will focus more on the author's overall ability to harmonize each element into a well-executed story.

-When I review your story, I will dedicate that specific chapter of the book to you. There will be an external link to your story and the cover for it will be the multimedia image on the side. If you have a problem with any of those three things, let me know and I will not do them.

-My reviews will normally be 400 words or longer unless I'm doing a collection of short stories/poems. Since I don't have a consistent plot or characters to work with there, the reviews will typically be shorter.

-Since I've been asked about this before, I thought I should mention it. I do not use emoticons ever. I don't have anything against them, I just prefer not to use them. So just know that just because I don't give your story a smiley face doesn't mean I didn't like it, and even if I don't put one after a compliment it doesn't mean I'm being sarcastic or trying to subtely insult you in any way.

-I don't review books in order of when I get the requests. I review them based on the story's length, my interest level, and the current amount of feedback the author has already recieved from others. That being said, I do start reading books in order of the requests, I just don't always finish them until a few days later.

-My reviews are not critiques. They are not written toward the author telling them what I liked and suggestions for improvement. Instead they are aimed at a potential audience condisering reading your story. I will mostly focus on the strong points in your writing in order to accomplish this purpose. I might point out some of the weak spots in your writing if it really affects the strength of the story, but I will not give specific suggestions on how to fix any problems in the review.

That being said, let me know if you would like a review. (Remember, in a PM, not a comment.)


Guest reviews.

Since I had issues with my computer for several months, I'm extremely far behind in my reviewing. So, just to keep this updated regularly, I'm going to be letting other people contribute reviews in this book. If you think you would like to participate, PM me and we can work out the details.

TBM ReviewsWhere stories live. Discover now