FOUR-Past & Present

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Chapter - Four | Past And Present

October 15th, 2014.
Angelina's room,
Paries Estate.

"You've got to be kidding?"

"I'm telling the truth!" Charlotte hissed. She stood in a defensive possession blocking the exit.

Elizabeth was still unsure why Charlotte had called them all to Angie's bedroom. So far she had been babbling on about some book she found in the library. Which she had been led to by a magical raven and was written in an old language.

She shook her head and wondered why everyone called her the voice of reason. She was speaking utter nonsense. The book in another language was believable but the larger-than-normal raven part was ridiculous even after she had met Simon who she suspecting was some sort of robot.

"Maybe it was just a dre-"

Elizabeth was interrupted by a small voice from behind them.

"I've seen the Raven too. In a dream. But it never felt like a dream. It used to lead me to the monument in Memtorium park." Anna said. She sat on an arm chair by the bed on which Angie still lay in a sleep-like coma.

Anna and Emilia took shifts watching over Angelina. They were her self appointed nurses and though Elizabeth felt she should help she thought she had done enough, getting them out of White Oak.

"See! I'm not lying! And it wasn't a dream!" Char said exasperated. She looked almost desperate, her eyes pleading for them to believe her.

"We believe you Charlotte," it was Emilia this time. The blonde had gone over to hug her friend in a show of comfort but Elizabeth was still unconvinced.

"Why don't you show us the book Miss Barnes?"

Elizabeth turned to look at Eric who leaned against the window beside his friend Luke. The two had remained silent throughout most of the discussion but were now fully focused on Charlotte.

Elizabeth turned towards her friend feeling a hint of jealousy but trying her best to hide it. Char looked almost crestfallen at the request.

"That's the problem. The book isn't there anymore."

"And do you remember where you took it from?" Luke spoke up, for once not wearing his mischievous smirk.

"It wasn't in the library."


"I mean the raven led me through the rows until I found myself in a part that isn't in the library. I'm certain of that. I've went through the room many times and have never seen it."

"Do you know what language it was?"

"I.." Charlotte looked timidly down at her feet, "no....but I've seen it before!"


Elizabeth was following this conversation, her head swinging back and fort between her two friends and their two hosts. It was rather astonishing to see the visual similarities between the two pairs. Both sides had one brunette and one blonde.

She almost laughed at this observation but remembered they were discussing something important so she tuned back into the conversation.

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