3) Invitation Only

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Invitation Only


            Jake stood in the mirror of my room as he admired himself. Chestnut brown hair and hazel eyes, tanned, tall, muscular Jake was what the girls wanted and I was the freaky albino kid that had to explain to the idiots of the world why I was so pale, why my hair was white, or why my eyes were red. I found it funny how cruel children can be when you were born with a health condition that you have no control over. I’m not complaining though, because of their mocking I have tougher skin now. They thought me a monster and so I became the grim reaper himself.

    “Dude is it just me or does your stepmom get hotter every time I see her,” Jake said. I couldn’t help the frown that appeared on my face when he mentioned That Woman.

    “Dan is going to bitch when he sees me at the party you know,” I told him changing the topic from That Woman to yet another annoyance in my life. Jake just rolled his eyes and pulled himself away from the mirror so that he could look at me.

    “Let me worry about Dan. You have a job to do tonight.”

    “A job,” I questioned. Last time I checked Jake was taking me from my job. The Fun House wasn’t going to clean itself. Jake gave me this disgusted look as if he was offended that I just asked him what my job was.

    “Get laid Sky. Fuck where were you doing lunch when we talked about this.”  A question I have been asking myself. I wanted to follow Mr. Brown and learn if he was going to be a player in my new game. I wanted to clean the Fun House so that the next game could start. I wanted to do anything then go to some lame ass house party that people are going to pretend I don’t exist at.

    “So when are we leaving,” I asked.

    “Just chill Sky in time we will leave. Now back to your stepmom what are they like double D’s now? How into your dad do you really think she is? Cause I totally think I could nail her.”  I sighed. The Man and That Woman is the last two people I ever wanted to talk about or even think about. “Has she ever tried to come on to you?”

    “What is wrong with you,” I hissed. “Your brain is rotten with sex. God you’re annoying.”
    “No, I’m a healthy teenage boy and I’m supposed to think about sex, Sky. What about you? What goes on in that pale little head of yours?”

    A quick smirk; “Only the deepest darkest of all thoughts,” I answered and he looked at me for a moment.

    “So has she,” he asked again and I narrowed my eyes as I frowned at him. It pisses me off that my glares never work on Jake like they do on everyone else.

          “Are you going to give Alyssa the note at the party?” I changed the subject yet again. It was sad that the topic of the girl of my dreams wanting and being turned down by my best friend was better than The Man and That Woman. Much better than the thought that That Woman might want me. I would welcome her to try her luck though. Oh the games I would play with her. She wouldn’t have a fast death like those in the Fun House. I would play with her for weeks, maybe months before I ended her sad little life.

    “Nope you are going to. I don’t have time to deal with her. Beside girls away cry when you turn them down,” He said but what would I know about crying girls when they are turned down. Not like I have so many lining up to hop on this ride in the first place.

    “Hey Sky, you still got the hots for Alyssa right. Maybe this will be your big break.” He elbowed me as he said so. Yeah, using me to hand her the note with the rejection from the guy she actually likes is going to be the big break I’ve been waiting for. “Alright let’s go,” Jake said and I sighed as I prepared myself for the night ahead.

    You could feel the music pulsing through the soles of your shoes even before we made it to the door. Standing at the door was of course Dan. He slapped fives with Jake and gave me a hard push to the chest. Bullying is something that I just don’t tolerate and Dan knows this. Dan in front of his friends was trying so hard to prove himself. How quickly we forget the lessons we have learned through pain. Dan has been testing me as of late. It was one of the reasons he was on my list. One of the reasons he was chosen to play my game and come to my Fun House.

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