18) Guity Until Proven Innocent

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Guilty Until Proven Innocent

    It was all over the news. The body of Jake’s girl found and posed in the same manner that all the boys had been done before. What was this?  Who was going inside of my Fun House and taking bodies from me. Even if it wasn’t my body someone was still invading my space. When I found this would be killer that needed to steal the bodies of other people kills. I was going to make them a player in my game. I was going to make them pay in blood.

            I looked over at my phone when I saw it ringing playing the song that I had set for Jake. By now he was freaking out. Jake was weak when it came to these things. My body was found as well. Someone stole Jason from me and defiled my kill. You don’t hear me bitching about it right now.  Since he told me about it, since the police found his kill; found Sara he’s been bitching about it nonstop.

            “What?” I answered the phone a bit annoyed that it was the middle of the night and he was bugging me yet again.

            “I need your help.” Jake said and he had a panic edge to his tone. It made me focus more on what was wrong with him. Jake was a lot of things but he was never one to panic when nothing was wrong.

            “What seems to be the problem?” I asked sitting up.

            “The police are downstairs. They are coming for me. They found my DNA inside of her.” I swore in my mind.

            “You idiot.” I hissed harshly into the phone. “You fucking moron. How could you be so dumb Jake? You and your dick is more trouble than your worth.”

            “Are you going to help me or not?” Jake asked and I sighed. “Keep in mind Sky I know where your bodies are buried as well.” He said and I let out a sharp hissing sound into the phone. He would ask for my help and threaten me in the same breath.

            “So bold my friend.” I said and I could hear him chuckle. “But I know more about you Jake. And unlike you I have the balls to put all my plans into action.” I threaten him with a smile on my face.

            “Just come help.” He said and the other line went dead. I sighed here I was once again cleaning up behind Jake. Wasn’t the whole point of him working out of the Fun House was that we didn’t have these mishaps. Yet again it was my Fun House that had been tainted. I didn’t think that it was Jade. She was tied up begin punished for her crimes against me when Jake was playing his game. Who else could it be though?

            I looked at my phone and took in a breath. I was going to have to call my uncle. The last time I talked to him he was telling the FBI not to talk to me. Now I would need him to help Jake. My uncle had his moments but for the most part he was a one annoying son of a bitch. He was always right in his mind.

            “Rick.” I answered when I had a groan come through the phone.

            “What Skylar?” He asked.

            “A friend of mine could use your legal help right now.” I told him and I could hear him shifting around.

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