Chapter 1

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I walked through the deserted streets of Gotham, thinking about what I should do next. I looked up at the sky and closed my eyes. As I took a cold deep breath I felt a snow flake land on my nose. Flashbacks of the dead bodies in the store flashed though my head. 

I realized I'm no better than Zsasz. I belonged in Arkham. 

I sighed and went over my options. I can either run away for the rest of my life, or go to Arkham. Running away seemed like a better idea than being harassed by loonies. Well, maybe the sewers weren't so bad.

Keep walking. Just keep walking until you figure this out... then I heard a rough voice say ''Give me your purse lady!'re pretty hot. Hand over yourself too.'' My blue eyes widened in horror. Before I could say anything, I whipped around and ran the opposite direction. My long black hair slapped me in the face and my heels clicked loudly behind me. I can hear the man's footsteps not to far behind me. Tears stinged my eyes, making my vision blurry. I turned around, only to see a black figure knock down the man chasing me. I heard fighting and grunts of pain.

Silence took over the street. I turned around to find the man unconcious and bloody, and I decided to run. The minute I faced the opposite direction my face met a hard chest.

''Are you alright Ma'am?'' the deep voice asked me. To terrified to look up, I nodded my head yes. I saw the man's feet vanish in an instant and my eyes followed him as he jumped onto the nearby building and disappear into the night. 

Batman saved me. Me! Although I hated the man, I was grateful. Now I had to think about where I would hide, surely the police found the bodies. 

At that moment, I realized the sewers was not my best idea. Killer Croc lived in there. And if the rumors were true, he would only see me as food. 

''Well I'm sure no one would miss me. Better to die now than slowly die in Arkham or on the streets'' I said thinking out loud. I walked to the closest sewer top and tried to pry it open. Finally, getting it opened, I walked down the ladder and pulled the top over the enterance, leaving it slightly opened so I can escape if needed. 

I walked down the ladder and softly stepped on the ground. The smell was almost unbearable, but I was getting accustomed to it quickly. I almost felt sorry for Croc. I walked slowly and carefully, hoping he would not be able to hear me. I heard a low gurgling noise and softly squeaked, but quickly covered my mouth, realizing it was my stomach. I tried to recall the last time I've eaten. I whispered ''2 days ago...''

A loud growling sound echoed through the sewer walls. My eyes opened with horror as I ran towards the ladder. I tripped over a deep crack and fell face first. I weakly opened my eyes and I saw Killer Croc raising from the water. I took a deep breath and realized this was the end. With my last ounce of strenght I whispered ''Hello...'' and finally I blacked out.

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