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Without further a do, I give you.. the WAYLON.....

I felt my lips quiver as I looked up at him.

He looked at me with so much fear in his eyes, and at the time, it was incomprehensible.

   "What's wrong Daddy, you look scared." I said, clutching on to my stuffed bear very tightly.

Although I was barely six years old and I didn't understand most of the things that happened around me, I understood one thing. My father was scared, and I couldn't quite place my finger on what he was so scared of.

    "Riley, honey. Three years ago, daddy did something very stupid, and now, he has to pay the price for it." He said, placing his hands on my shoulders and leaning to my height.

Chills ran down my spine. And not good chills like when your crush kisses you, no, very bad chills like when you're watching a very scary movie alone in the dark and it's raining very heavily outside.

    "Riley, listen to me. I'll be joining your mother very, very soon." He said.

I almost burst into tears at the sound of the words, 'your mother'.

I must have been very young, but I still remember when mom died. She had been discharged from the hospital just the previous day and she, dad and I went out to get ice cream, celebrating the fact that she had survived cancer, in just one day.

The doctors had said that it was unbelievable and a huge miracle. I guess it actually was. But it seems fate just didn't want her to be by my side, because the second she made her way into the ice cream shop, she was ran over by a car.

I tried to wake her up but she wouldn't budge. She just lay there, blood all over her, while dad cried uncontrollably while calling an ambulance. I don't even need to explain what happened after that.

    "Riley, look at me. I need you to be strong. I need you to be able to survive this world on your own. I know you're only six, but someday these words will make sense to you. I made a deal with a very very bad person and it cost me my life." He said as though he was in a hurry to leave, "There are so many things I have to teach you. So many things you need to learn, but unfortunately I will not be the one to teach you."

    "But Daddy, where are you going?" I whispered.

    "I'm going to be with mom. But don't worry Riles. We'll watch over you every day." He said and kissed the top of my head.

As if he had just remembered something, he took out his cellphone and dialled someone's number. Just as he was about to hit the 'call' button, he fell down. At first, I was unsure of the situation, so I went and knelt beside him. But then, I saw the exact look that mom had on her face when the car hit her. I suddenly understood what was going on.

I threw my stuffed bear away and held my dad's hands.

   "Daddy wake up! Daddy! Please don't go daddy! Please!" I said and burst into tears. It was the hardest I had ever cried.

I had to call the ambulance.

I looked all over for dad's phone and found it lying next to him.

I studied the number on the phone for sometime, and memorized it, before I went ahead to call the ambulance.

    "Hello." A man on the receiving end said.

    "M-My d-d-daddy. He-he I don't know what's wrong with him." I replied.

    "What's your house number?" He asked.

I told him the number.

    "We'll be over very soon, just stay tight and don't worry." The man said and the line went dead, just like my father.



P-p-p-p-p-please vote, comment and share..\

Alex, xoxo


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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