Happy Holidays

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Happy Holidays

Late 1991

The months dragged on, and Olivia started to get used to this odd life. Her counselling sessions were really just very awkward. The lady who led them treated Olivia like a five year old, sure, but she did help Olivia gain some of her long lost confidence back. She didn't know how much it would actually help in the long run but she tried not to dwell on the future.

In Dumbledore's lessons she gradually started to get a grip on her new magic. Olivia didn't even need to use her hands for it- her eyes would flash white and she could move whatever she wanted to. Dumbledore was very impressed with this ability and wore her out at the end of each day. Olivia was just glad with her improvement because she wanted to finally go back to lessons with the others her age. She hadn't talked to Draco, Ron, or Hermione in ages and was now really looking forward to Harry's reports each day. He was always happy to give them, but she could tell how tiring it was for him, and so they got shorter and shorter.

And so the holidays approached Hogwarts in a creeping manner. Each day a new little decoration would be placed, or a few more words on the season. The jolliness built up and up until it had reached the week before holiday vacation, in which Hogwarts seemed to be wearing its own Santa hat with the amount of cheer it contained. The most cheerful of it all, it seemed, was Olivia.

Her cheer was brought upon by Dumbledore in the last week if November.

"You've really been progressing on this power of yours, Olivia," Dumbledore commented as he watched Olivia hold a glass of water above her head while playing chess- all using her mind.

"How long do I have? Did the council say?" The Wizard Council had been informed of Olivia's training and punishment from the very beginning, and were the ultimate factors in her going back to class.

"The council suggested putting you back into class in your second semester, and we'll have to wait on meals and moving you back into the Gryffindor quarters," Dumbledore confided. Olivia nearly jumped for joy, losing focus on the glass of water and getting herself soaked in the process. Dumbledore chuckled and shook his head at her.

"Second semester? Why it's only three weeks until Christmas vacation," Olivia shook her head and pulled out her wand to cast a drying spell. Ever since that night, Olivia had finally gotten some pep in her step.

Sure each day was as tedious as the last, but Olivia kept the countdown going as she reached out for her one goal. Her cheeriness, however, met its fateful end as the last day of the first semester was coming to an end.

"Headmaster please don't send me back there! I'll do detention everyday! I'll get my own food! Please!" Olivia begged. Dumbledore sighed at the young girl.

"Olivia, you must have your parents' permission to remain at Hogwarts over the holiday. You run along, the train will be here any moment," Dumbledore hated sending any child into danger, but often knew it was the best option. Staying on Lucius's good side would be needed until he could prove Olivia's heritage.

"You know I'm not his daughter, and that the Malfoys aren't my parents!" Olivia tried again.

"They are your legal guardians until I can take you to trial and put you in the right home," Dumbledore put his foot down and shooed the raven-haired girl out of his office.

Olivia sighed but retreated to her rooms. She had been packed for a few days now, but always expected Dumbledore to tell her that she's be staying for break. When it was mere minutes before the train she had decided to ask herself and now her world was crashing down around her.

She'd suspected Dumbledore had figured out about her abuse but maybe she'd done a good job hiding it. None of it mattered now for she had to return to the horrid place.

The hallways flowed with students and she struggled to find familiar faces. So, of course, she went back to her most effective form of communication.

Harry? Are you out here? Olivia called out. Her minds voice seemed to boom over the background noise.

We're just outside the Gryffindor tower, where are you? Harry called back. Olivia sighed- she'd pass the exit on the way to the tower.

Meet me outside the main doors. Olivia relayed as she shuffled with the crowd.A minute later the golden trio walked though the main doors to find Olivia juggling a few of her quills and trying her best to ignore the Weasley twins.

"Oh come on, Olivia!" Fred tried again, waving his hands around.

"Your new magic is awesome, why not use it for a good purpose?" George tried a slightly different approach.

"Yes, the teachers may not approve, but we all know they secretly get a kick out of our jokes," Fred winked and nudged her again.

"Ah Harry, there you guys are," Olivia dropped the quills back into her hands and walked over the the trio. Fred and George, of course, followed her.

"So she can speak!" Fred exclaimed, mock-surprised, "We were worried Dumbledore had taken her voice," He obnoxiously whispered to Hermione.

"Piss off," Ron aimed the comment at his brothers, who just tutted at his language before joining their own friends.

The now quartet boarded the train while discussing their classes and their plans for the holidays. Olivia and Harry didn't make any comment on their plans, for they both knew they weren't exactly welcomed at home.

"So who's your favourite teacher? Mine's McGonagall, by far," Hermione commented.

"Really? I'd have to say Quirrell is my favourite. He's really nice," Olivia responded, and the other three stared at her weird.

"Quirrell is really rude to the rest of us," Ron spoke up.

Olivia's oh held the silence in the air. The awkwardness was overcome as always, and the eleven-year-olds continued on with their conversations. Time seemed to fly along the rails, for the next thing the children knew they were at King's Cross Station.


Sorry guys, time and inspiration are slipping from my grasp.
And yes, I know students can technically stay at Hogwarts without their parent's permission, but since this is an AU and I needed more drama, I decided to tweak that rule.

Hope you enjoyed!

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