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Hi there!My name is Kesi and I'm 14. I've always wanted to be a writer and I think that here's a good place to start. I've been reading books on wattpad for a while and I think I'm ready write one of my own, so without furthur delay,I give you, Mental

Chapter 1

"Mommy? " I took a step closer to her body cautiously. Her eyes were closed and it didnt look like she was breathing. I waited to see the steady rise and fall of her chest to indicate that she was alive. Nothing.
"Mommy? " I whispered quietly. She didnt respond. Its wasn'tlike I expected her to.
I put a hand to her heart like daddy had taught me to check for her heartbeat. I felt nothing.
"Oh no," I whined, wiping at my eyes. I wasn't going to cry. I couldn't. Mommy had to go. She was being mean to me. She'd called me crazy. So I sat there. On the dirty wood floor of our tiny shack,I sat next to my dead mother,staring at her face. I don't know how long I sat there, but, I must have fell asleep because I opened my eyes, hearing the sound of sirens. My heart pounded in my chest and I tugged at mommy's hair, yelling at her to wake up,but she wouldn't budge.
The siren sounds got louder And I knew they were close. Tears welled up in my eyes . I ran a hand through mommy's hair and felt something warm and wet on my hand. I lifted my hand to my face. Blood dripped from my fingers and trickled down my palm. The door of our shack burst open and about 10 policemen barged inside,but froze instantly upon seeing me. Looks of shock and worry stained their faces.
"Jesus," the tallest one whispered lowering his gun. The other eyed me wearily before lowering his gun as well..

I tap my fingers on my bedsheet,counting the seconds until my blurry vision went back to normal. I was 10 when mommy went. And I hate remembering that horrid time. After the police found me in our shack, I was taken to an orphanage in Georgia. I was adopted by George and May Wallace,but they left too. They shouldn't have upset me. And then I was brought to the Red Oak Mental Institution at 15. My first week here was uneventful. And then I met Jane. Jane was 30 and nice. She read to me and she was the only one here who didn't think I was crazy. I adored her.I didn't mean to make her go away.
"I'm sorry,Jane."
I pulled my knees up to my chest,huddling in a corner on the side of my bed. I looked around at my surroundings. My cell consisted of a short metal table beside a bed and a thin rug at the foot of the desk. This room was meant to conpletely isolate the occupant,but I had enough company in my head. With mommy talking to me, and George and May. But not Jane.

My cell door opened and Molly,one of the staff,poked her head in, a tray in hand.

"Your lunch and medication, James." She said coldly,coming in and putting the tray on my desk and handing me a glass of water and 4 pills,which I took gingerly.

"Its Liah." I told her for the hundreth time . She ignored me,instead folding her hands and
watching as I downed the pills. I
handed her the empty glass and sat back on my bed.
"I'll be back later to check on you.Not that I want to," she reminded me. I stared at her,saying nothing.
"Eat your food and try not to be a pain." She finished with a roll of her eyes, modeling her way out of my cell. I couldn't stand her attitude. She was too young to work here. 25 years old. I told Judy,my therapist,that they shouldn't hire people that young,but nobody listens to me here.
Molly was a tall blonde with long legs and green eyes. She was the kinda girl that most guys pray for. I was incredibly jealous of her,but she didn't need to know that or else her head would get bigger. As if on cue,Molly's head appeared again through the door.
"They've decided to replace your therapist. Again." She said before disappearing again. I sighed. That was the third time in the last 3 months. Poor Judy. I was actually starting to like her a bit. But no. I couldn't start liking people or else I'd eventually get angry with them and they'd go. I couldn't make any more people disappear. It wasn't normal. But then again, neither was I.

Thank you guys so much for reading! I'm still learning,so if I make too many mistakes or mess up too badly,feel free to correct me. Please conment on this chapter and tell me what you think.I'm sorry if this chapter is a bit boring,but it gets better. Thanks!
#Kay Kay

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