District 2 Reapings~Falluous and Brea

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District Two

Falluous Sarein, Age 14

               “And then, after I win the Games, I’m going to sell my money for more money,” my eight year old brother, Theo, states.

               “I’m pretty sure that plan is invalid,” I tell him. He shrugs it off and eats more of his oatmeal.

               “Why do Mom and Dad have work today?” Theo asks. I sigh.

               “Theo, they have to make money—”

               “But I will make money when I win the Games this year,” he repeats.

               “You don’t understand. Theo, you’re an eight year old, you’d die on the first day.” I retort.

               “You’re a meanie,” he whimpers. He runs from the table and heads to the living room.

               He’s sort of a crybaby. Well… yeah.

               This year, I figured it would be completely stupid of me to volunteer. I’ll just sit it out until fate decides I need to be a tribute, which probably won’t happen. Due to the obscurity of most of the citizens of District Two, never in a lifetime would a tribute go un-volunteered for, unless it’s clearly someone who would kill you at reaping if you took their spot.

               District Two is all about this famous bullshit. They believe that when you enter the Games, it’s like a preseason event before you win and the big stuff happens.

               I remember a kid who entered a while ago. He was killing like it was practice. He ended up killing twelve tributes in the first day. A total of eighteen died that day, which only left six tributes left. It was a world record for a normal Game, not a Quell or anything.

               The next day, he was thinking it would be easy to kill his ally—also his district partner—in her sleep. He awoke her and she quickly fought back.

               He died that day, and the girl came home forty-eight hours later.

               Nobody here believes the Games are dangerous, they’re a cakewalk to them. I’m just glad that I will always have backup if I were reaped. Once, a fist fight broke out between the girls when they were picking a tribute. It’s insane how crazy people are!

               I finish up eating my small breakfast before doing the dishes. My parents were supposed to be home from their night-shifts by now, but I guess I’ll be the one having to take Theo to reaping.

               I quickly shout over my shoulder, “Theo, go get changed, we have to leave in half an hour!”

               “I’m already changed, but I’m going to beat you to the town square so I can volunteer before you stop me!” he laughs. Placing the dishes in the correct cabinet, I shake my head. I run up the stairs like a mad person before putting on a white button-up shirt, black slacks, a leather belt, a pair of leather shoes, and a black tie on.

               I look at myself in the mirror. I need a hair-cut. My brown hair almost covers my darker shade of brown eyes. I try to sway my hair over, but it resists and falls back into place. I shrug before nearly galloping down the stairs.

               I see Theo slipping on his tennis shoes by the opened door. He’s preparing to leave without me, lucky for me, I change quickly.

               I get down the stairs when Theo exits the door. Following him, the sun hits my pale skin. Why is reaping day always so sunny? It’s too depressing for sun. I mean, it’s declaring the deaths of more than twenty kids.

               Theo and I walk side-by-side. Lucky for us, we live in the center of District Two. District Two is a big district, so some people have to leave for reaping nearly a day before.

Brea Halo, Age 12

               I bit my lip as I enter the twelve year old section. I definitely don’t want to be picked this year considering there are two full-fledged volunteers from District One. They are brutes, for sure.

               The mayor goes through the Treason of Treaty, but instead, I’m just picking at the skin on my palms nervously. They were sweating more than a pig.

               Soon enough, our peppy escort, Helm Nirvana, is up at the podium.

               “We’ll do boys first this year,” she announces. She heads over to the reaping ball as the male division goes wild. She pulls out a single slip and goes over to the podium again.

               “And your male tribute is Braisten Hoyle!” she announces. A boy from the ten’s section nervously begins to walk up, and she asks for any volunteers.

               “Me!” shout various boys simultaneously. A few were from the fourteen’s section, and I see a ten year old eager to join in.

               They all run up, staying at the foot of the stairs, pushing each other out of the way.

               “I’ll pick… you!” Helm’s face lights up as a fourteen year old enters the scene. The ten year old joyously runs back to his section.

               “What’s your name?” Helm asks the boy.

               “ Falluous Sarein, age fourteen.” He says almost disappointed that one of the others weren't picked. Why would he run up, then?

               “Welcome our newest tribute to the Hunger Games,” Helm announces. “Now, let’s move on to the female!”

               This is when the female division is crazed.

               “Your female tribute is Helesa Minerva!” she shouts in glee. A crying ten year old gets up on stage, and a girl in the fourteen’s section shouts.

               “Let’s have her rot!” she shouts with a laugh. Appreciative hoots follow up, and I can’t will myself to let this go by.

               “I want my mommy,” the girl wails. That’s enough.

               I run up to the stage, shouting and waving.

               “I volunteer as the female tribute,” I say. The escort nods with a smile, and Helesa is guided off of the stage.

               I walk up the stage and she asks my name.

               “Brea Halo, age twelve.” I announce. I spot Helesa in the crowd, in her mother’s arms. Her mom mouths a ‘thank you’ to me.


This chapter was written by Cudge407 :]

Anyways, I have something to note. I will be doing up to District Four with reapings. It's worked out perfectly since LittleMissActress, atm, is grounded from the computer... soo, yeah XD

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