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In another world
"Take her Celia!" Zeben ordered harshly. "I shall find you...and our daughter." A baby the family called Evoina was cradled in the shaking, skinny, arms of Celia, the fairy Queen. Zeben's hard expression tired to that of sympathy. His golden armor glistened gold and was smeared with the black blood of the Grett. The war was raging on the forest of Tyrana, the land of fairies. The Grett, a species of devilfolk that looked like silver maned black lions, were aiding the fallen elves to attack Tyrana. They were after the gold chamber of the kings. The fallen elves were a dark empire that lived up to their namesake. They were merciless, dangerous, murderous, creatures. They were the Elves captured during the invasion of trolls, and tested on. The trolls had made them monsters.
"I love you Zeben, more than anyone," a tear escaped Celia's almond eye and glistened in the sunlight. She wanted to say more but couldn't find the words. He urged her to go. She broke down and sobbed, there was nothing she could hide. he yelled an urgent order, it was same thing he'd been saying for too long, "GO!"
She ran without looking back, her pale dress flowing in the wind behind her. As she ran she heard an agonizing scream. There were many but one stuck out like the moon in the middle of day. Celia almost dropped the baby. The scream was none other than Zeben's. He was dead. Celia knew. She stumbled through the tears blinding her and burning her eyes till she felt she couldn't cry anymore. She tripped and gasped. The child flew from her arms. Celia's head hit the branch of a Bryough tree. The world went black.

I loved writing the prologue of the last fairy!
Thanks so much for reading! And if your interested read my book the red forest! Please vote and give feedback!

Ps: this is only the prologue so keep in mind there will be much more to come🤗

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