Not Ready

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Bono entered the room, bouncing around like he was a little kid. He was sure doing a lot of bouncing for someone who's not supposed to have any caffeine. Larry, Adam and I are all watching Bono as he strides over to us. Bono has a reputation for getting on people's nerves, I'm usually very mellow and calm, but lately Bono has been acting up a lot.

"Hello, lovely's." Bono kisses each one of us on the cheek.

"About damn time, B. You're a half an hour late. But, no surpises there now." Larry says, smirking as Bono punches him in the arm.

"Asshole." Adam and I watch as the two of them get into it, playful at first, but then someone- who I'm guessing is Bono- turns it into a fist fight. Sighing, I get the hint that nobody else in the studio is going to stop them, so I do it myself. "Guys! Cut it out!" They both stop and look at me, Bono looking like he could tear my head off, and Larry looking down at the floor since he knows that it's me yelling.

"Why don't you just stay out of this Reg. It's none of your fuckin' buissness anyways." Bono glares at me and stands up, walking towards me. If that's supposed to intimidate me, it's sure as hell not working. I stand my ground. He comes close to me, so close I can feel his ragged breath on my face. "Stay out of it." You see, when he gets into fights, it's normally me that has to get him out of one. Whether it be at a club, or here at the studio. He's never happy when I stop him either. Putting my hands up in defence and walking into the kitchen before I lashed out on him was all I could do.

Minutes later, Larry walks into the kitchen. He walks in front of me and pulls a chair out so he can sit. Neither of us say anything for a long while, then he finally breaks the silence. "Dave? Dave. Are you OK? You seemed really pissed, or, it looked that way at least." I look up at him and he looks down, biting his lip.

"Sorry..." He says, still not looking at me.

"Laurence, you can't be getting into fights when I'm around, or even when I'm not. You know what will happen, especially with Bono."

Larry nods and finally looks up at me. "I love you for that, you know." Nodding to his words, I stand as to leave and he drops from his chair to his knees. Looking down at him, I ask, "What are you doing?" All he does is shake his head, leaning down and kissing my shoe. We had stopped all of this 5 years ago, and here he is on his knees in front of me again. Knowing I wouldn't be able to control myself if I stood there any longer, I turn and walk out the door back to the studio, leaving that poor helpless boy there on his knees but knowing he'll follow. As predicted, he did follow me back out there. But now all that I can think about is taking him to my hotel room, tying him up and giving him what he seems to want from me, again.

We had agreed to stop all of this years ago because of our families and the band, thinking that it might ruin one or the other. Maybe even both, and that was a chance neither of us wanted to take even though we still love each other; at least it seems to look that way. After rehearsal is all over and done with, and after a couple of drinks at the bar by myself, I head back to my hotel room. When opening the door to my room, it is dark and colder than it was when I had left this morning. After taking off my shoes and coat, I flip a light on and turn to walk to my bed but, a sight on my bed that was not expected whatsoever stops me in my tracks.


Larry, naked, on his knees with his arms stretched out in front of his body while his head is resting on the mattress. He doesn't look up at me when he talks. "Daddy." Taking a deep breath in and breathing out before saying anything back to him was a good idea.

Not really knowing what to do because I haven't seen him this naked in a while, I say, "Larry, why are you here naked in my hotel room, on my bed."

He finally looks up at me, but not moving from his position. "Because, I need someone.. No, I need you to have control over me. Please."

Sighing, I grab Larry's clothes from where he set them and hand them to him. "Larry, you need to leave. We can't do this." I only tell him this because he really hurt me last time, since he was the one who decided to break it off. The look on his face when he registers my words breaks my heart and I almost reach out to touch his face, but I don't. I won't let myself get lost in him again. I can't. I've just gotten out of a relationship, I have kids.

"Oh..." Is all he says before pulling his pants on and forgoing his shirt since I assume his room isn't very far from mine. He turns and looks at me and I can see the unshed tears in his eyes. "I thought..." Shaking his head, he turns around without finishing his sentence and leaves.

I take a seat on my bed and try to take in what just happened. I know that I really do want him, and I guess now I know that he really wants me, but I don't want it to ruin anything. Especially the band. With that in mind, I take off my clothes, get in bed and pull the covers up over me, ready to try and get some sleep without thinking too much.

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