Chapter 1

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A/N: It's finally here! I've been spending a lot of time working on this new book, and I've finally gotten the first couple chapters to a point where I think they're safe to publish! Let me know what you guys think, I was a bit hesitant about writing a Zayn fanfic, seeing as I've only done either Niall or Harry before, but I thought his 'bad boy' personality really fit with the concept of the book. It was either that or 'Dark Harry', and I figured I would spare your feels seeing as BSE came out today and I wouldn't want to kill anyone (;


I pulled my lazy butt out of bed, realizing it was noon on Saturday. It only took a couple steps across my carpet to reach my mirror. I stared blankly at my image, something I was never too fond of. I looked back into my tired brown eyes before looking at my curly, brown hair that was messily knotted into a bun.

I guess you should know a little bit more about me than just my appearance. My name is Isabella Faith, 16 year old daughter of Elizabeth and David Johnson. I live in one of the rainiest towns on the planet in Washington, D.C. Nothing ever happened here, and nothing ever would. As for my social status, that pretty much pairs up with the town I live in; practically nonexistent. I didn't have a lot of friends at school, only two. Carey and Amanda, my two best friends.


I walked into school, it was the first day of Junior year for me in highschool. Taking a deep breath, I headed towards my assigned locker to see who my neighbors were. No one interesting, a popular blonde named Kassie to my right, and to my left, one of the jocks. His name was Zayn and everyone in school knew him as the cool, athletic one. To me, he was kind of a douche. I mean, I didn't know him that well, but he always acted like he was the coolest person in school, and that didn't give me a great first impression.

Anyways, I grabbed my books for math, which I had first period. Walking into the class, I rolled my eyes as I looked around and saw absolutely no one I knew to be in this class. Taking my seat, Zayn walked into the room. I scoffed. God is testing me. Looking around I realized there were no empty seats, he must be in the wrong room.

“You can take a seat next to Miss Johnson.” Mr. Harris said, motioning to me. I looked to my right, realizing there actually was an empty seat next to me. The tall, built, black-haired boy took a seat next to me. He looked at the board as if nothing was distracting him, but the second Mr. Harris sat down to take attendance on his computer, he spoke up.

“Hello, love.” He spoke under his breath. I looked around to see who he could possibly be talking to. It took me a few seconds to realize he was actually talking to me.

“What's your name?” He asked, smirking when he saw my reaction. I opened my mouth to speak when the teacher called out “Isabella.” to which I returned with “here.”

“Isabella.” Zayn repeated with a grin. I scoffed. I always had hated my name, which was why I went by anything but Isabella.

Thankfully, my next class went by quickly when I found out that both Carey and Amanda were in it. We walked back to our lockers before meeting back up in the cafeteria.

“Izzy!” Carey waved a hand in the air to catch my attention. I was always so jealous of her looks. She had dirty blonde, shoulder length hair, and blue eyes. She was tall and thin, I honestly wondered why she didn't hang out with The Clique because she was a lot like them... aside from the snotty, bitchy attitude. Our table ended up being next to The Clique, too. Grace, Alyssa, Peyton, and Alice all bowed down to Grace. She was the most popular girl in the whole highschool, also one of the meanest. She got all the guys, even though she never dated one for more than a month.

I sat down with my friends and we immediately started talking about our first period class.

“Anyone interesting in your math class, Z?” Amanda asked, taking a sip of her water. I shrugged my shoulders.

“The only person I knew was Zayn Malik, but he's hardly interesting.” I frowned. Math was going to be my least favorite class this year.

“Zayn Malik?” Carey asked with a scoff. Everyone knew his reputation, it was disgusting. I nodded to confirm her. I glanced over to his table to find him laughing with his friends, all of course from the football team. He actually looked kinda... normal when he was with his friends. I sighed, turning back to my friends.

The rest of the day flew by thankfully, and it was time to get home. I got in my silver Mustang and tiredly threw my backpack in the passenger seat. The car was a birthday present from my aunt, uncle, and parents who all pitched in to buy it for me. It was seriously the best gift I've ever received, and I was grateful to have such a nice car considering my family wasn't made of money like many of the people who attended my school. I was home within minutes and dragged my feet up the sidewalk and entered the small, silver brick house.

“Mom, I'm home!” I called, taking my backpack up the stairs that were directly in front of the door. My mother came into the hallway from her office and stopped me.

“How was your first day of school?” She asked.

“Just like every other day.” I chuckled, taking a left into my room. She followed me and sat down next to me on my bed.

“I have a question to ask you.” She prompted. I nodded, awaiting her question.

“This new movie I'm filming, none of the actresses have what we need. They simply don't capture the character. The ones that do, don't have the right look unless they would be willing to let us cut and dye their hair, which they aren't.” She looked at me hopefully. Since my mom was a movie producer and director, I grew up acting in small parts in various movies.

“What part is it?” I sighed, knowing I probably couldn't get out of this.

“The main character.”

“Mom.” I whined. I wasn't comfortable being the main character, especially in this movie. This movie was some romantic flick that honestly had no plot, it was simply two teenagers that fell in love. The movie was borderline R rated, that was still being sort out.

“Please, Izzy?” She begged. I sighed, giving in.

“I guess so.” I finally replied. She squealed with joy and hugged me before pulling out her phone to call someone, I assumed the other director.

Then I began to wonder who the co-star would be. Maybe it was some hot guy I've never met before, that would be nice. Unless I completely embarrassed myself infront of him, then I'd have to quit the movie because God knows how hard it would be to be naked under the covers with cameras surrounding you with someone who thought you were a complete dork.

Director's Daughter (Zayn Malik fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now