Chapter 36

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A/N: I apologize for how long this chapter took! I usually update every other day, and I was about 3 days late on this one :X I've been spending a heck of a lot of time on the new fanfic I'm planning, so I've been neglecting this a tad. This fanfic is almost over! Less than 10 chapters to go :) Anyways, next weekend I'll be putting up the prologue for my new fanfic (I Promise), so look out for that! I really like how everything is coming together in both these stories.

Thanks for reading! 

Lots of love, 

~Kiera xx


I was watching an episode of CSI: Miami, trying to get my mind off of my argument with Zayn. It was stupid of him to think that anything could possibly be going on with me and Harry, but I didn't make things better by losing my temper.

I never found out what Harry wanted because when I got home, he wasn't here and he wasn't answering my texts. It was probably nothing. I glanced at the clock; it was almost 11pm. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I opened a text message from Zayn.

From: Zayn

I'm sorry. I know I act like an asshole 99% of the time, but I'm scared. I'm not even going to try to sugarcoat it, I'm scared to lose you. I have more of a chance of losing you than you do of losing me. I love you xx

I smiled, not even bothering to reply. I was exhausted and I had to get up for school in the morning.

“I have him back.” I hummed with a giant grin. This was the Zayn I knew, the Zayn that had been absent for the past few weeks. He was back.


“You guys got back together?” Carey asked me, a small smile playing on her lips. I sat across from her and Amanda at lunch, in between Chase and Sierra. I just nodded, trying to tame my grin, but failed. Suddenly, a pair of large hands wrapped themselves around my midsection. I looked at the hands, hoping to get some hint as to who it was. I smiled when I saw the familiar tattoos littering the person's arms. I looked up to see a smiling Zayn looking right back at me.

“Come sit with me.” He whined, pouting. I looked to my friends, who all shooed me away. I just chuckled and stood up, walking next to Zayn to the table. I sat down next to Zayn, getting warm smiles from everyone. Even Grace. Maybe not the rest of her clique, but I didn't even know them so I didn't care. Everyone was chatting amongst themselves when Zayn leaned into me to ask me something quietly.

“Are you doing anything this weekend?” He asked as he took the last bit of his orange slice. I just shook my head no, trying to swallow the sip of water I'd taken.

“My family is going up to our lake house for the weekend. Everyone's bringing someone, so I was wondering if you'd like to come?” I turned my head to look into his chestnut eyes. How could I say?

“I'd love to go.” I smiled and his smile made my insides burn. A small, barely noticeable dimple making the side of his left cheek dip in a bit.

Luckily, we had a half day today, meaning after my next class, I'd be able to go home and sleep. The bell rang and we all picked up our empty lunch trays, tossing them into the trash on our way out of the cafeteria. I walked happily to my locker, not even focusing on what combination I was putting into my lock until I had to try it four times. I scanned my locker quickly before finding my Chemistry binder, along with my purple textbook and grabbed them. I closed my locker and weaved in and out of people in the crowded hallways until I reached the science room. I took my usual seat at the lab across from Amanda.

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