Chapter 2-Underground agency

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I sprang up, falling off the bed in the process, I groaned as the loudness of the speaker reached my ears, and opened my eyes. I saw my brother running around the room like a headless chicken. I face palmed as I remembered that I only have 5 minutes to get ready for my first day of training. I quickly took a shower, got dressed in black leggings and a white T-Shirt, threw my hair into a high ponytail and then pulled on a pair of track-shoes. I went downstairs to find Neil, Mr Dong Lee, but as I reached the end if he stairs, I had to check if I was drooling. In front of me stood a medium built guy in a tank top and track pants, dark blonde, sign--pack. Exactly what I would call sexy.
"Kee stop drooling over the guy and stop thinking him like that" Neil said with a smirk on his face. "Ouch" he yelped as I punched his arm.
"Okay children snap out of it. This here is Nathan. He and his partner which you haven't met as yet will train you both."
"Okay" I said.
We both head to the car and sped down the road.

Let the training beginners. I have always wanted to be badass but never have I thought it would happen.

"Well first you will have to work on your speed and agility." This snapped me out of my trance. I the realise we are standing at the edge of a track.
"You both are going against each other around this track four times."
Good thing I participated in gym class.
"Ready. Set. Go."
And with that we started running. My hands swinging fiercely, my leg pumping forcefully and my heart pounding loudly as the adrenaline kicked in.
I didn't realise that I had finished all four laps until I heard the whistle.
"Good job Neil and excellent work Keela.
For the rest of the day both of you will go shopping and get a make over. "
"Ok" I said.
"SKYLAR" Nate shouted. He says we should call him Nate because it short for Nathan.
"You and Keela will go shopping, you know of the drill."
Skylar has golden, blonde shoulder length hair. She looks to be 3" taller than I am.
Even though it is just the beginning of our training I am really looking forward to what's next.

Skylar and I went to her car it was a Red
We went to the mall. She helped me to choose a life time of clothes. What we bought I would have never think about buying it for myself. We got tons of leather apparel. We got tank top, dresses even a few biker boots. Most of what we bought was black.
We then headed to Skylar's house where she did my makeover. She gave me blonde highlights and she gave me fringes all around my face. Then she curled it to shoulder length. By the time she was finished I looked like a new person. I told her thank you. I was too tired to spend another minute awake and soon went to sleep wondering what tomorrow will be like.


Hey guys thank you for reading. The chapter might be short. I hope you enjoy it. Love you guys.
You know the drill
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2016 ⏰

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