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Danae POV

**Last night Keenon came over and we did nothing but argue. About 2 hours into our dumb ass argument he ended up leaving. This morning I woke up and he left me 5 text messages asking about Dre and when he was going to come get him. I just ignored him and went on about my day. Kash and I were going to have a day at the mall so I got myself ready and Dre ready. I loved my son to death but this lil negro looked too much like his daddy. I shook my head at the thought and put on his white onesie that said "Straight Outta Mommy" on the front and I took one good look at myself in the mirror and grabbed the baby bag and car seat and was out the door. I strapped Dre in and allat and called Kash to see if she was on her way.


Kash: (breathing hard) Hello?
Danae: Hey just calling to ask if you were on your way to the mall.
Kash: Oh fuck!
Danae: Bitch are you okay?(looking at the phone crazy)
Kash: Uh...Uh!! Yeah I'm fine. I'm on my way right now.
Danae: Okaaaay...See you soon...(hangs up)

I hung up the phone and I had to think to myself...Was she fuckin? I shook the thought completely out of my head and pulled into a parking spot close to the door at the mall. 30 damn minutes later Kash met up with me at Bath and Body Works.

Kash: Hey bitch.
Danae: Wassup. Took you long enough damn.
Kash: (smirking) Oh yeeeeeah. I had something to take care of...
Danae: Fuckin?
Kash: I mean not gon lie...(bends over and shakes her butt)
Danae: (laughs) You are so damn nasty.
Kash: (laughs) Shit I guess so...Antyways! How is my baby?(kissing Dre on the forehead)
Danae: Loud as hell. He cries at night non stop but other than that, he is and will forever be Mommy's baby.
Kash: And how is Mr. Man?
Danae: Who?
Kash: (looks at her like "Bitch please") You know exactly who I'm talking about. Ol boy that had an issue with my brother when we was all at your crib.
Danae: Oh him...He's okay I guess. I'm just over him and bullshit.
Kash: (looks at her) But you still love him...?
Danae: (sighs) I can't even lie...I do still love him but some times I just regret even giving him the time of day from the start.
Kash: If you really love him all you can do is try. If you and him are willing to make it work for not just the both you but also for this little boy right here(points at Dre) then that's all you can do because boo I'm in the same boat you in right now...
Danae: Whatchu mean?
Kash: (wipes the make up her neck,showing bruises and scars) You forgot to put concealer on your neck and chest FYI...
Danae: (pulls Kash into a hug) Thank you Kash...
Kash: Don't. I just know a fucked up relationship when I see one...

After she said that we went to the bathroom and reapplied make up in the need areas and ended up leaving the mall altogether. We went back to my house and chilled for awhile. We were cracking up in my room because Kash is such an idiot, until my phone rang. I looked at it and Keenon was calling me as usual. I picked up and he started on his bullshit out the gate.


Keenon: Danae where is my son at?!
Danae: He's with me. Why?
Keenon: Where the fuck have you been?! I texted you this morning and you ignored me! I was supposed to have him early today and you knew that shit!!
Danae: Keenon this is why I didn't text or call you back!! Why can't you just talk to me like a normal fucking person!?
Keenon: Danae I'm coming to get my son! And once I get him today you WON'T see him again!(hangs up)

When he hung up I just threw my phone and that cause Dre to start crying. I guess Kash saw on my face that I wasn't in the mood for that so she grabbed Dre and left the room. An hour later Keenon came to the house and I told Kash to put Dre in my brother's room with him because Keenon is not about to just take my child. When Keenon walked in he took one look at me and anger was written all over his face. He charged at me and grabbed me roughly by the sides of my arms.

Danae: Keenon let go!
Keenon: Where have you been!? I been trying to call you all day and you haven't returned any of my shit! (Looks her up and down) Who were you out with?
Danae: Nobody!(trying to push him away) Keenon your hurting me!
Keenon: What the fuck you so dressed up for?! You tryna impress somebody!? Is that nigga from the other day over here?!(throwing her down and searches the house)
Danae: (gets up and grabs him) No Keenon! Calm down! Dre and I had a day together that's it!
Keenon: I swear to God Danae if you fucking around I will kill you!(hovering over her, backing her into a wall)
Danae: (bumps into wall) Keenon we aren't together! I'm sure you fuck around all the time but I don't give a fuck! You aren't shit but a nigga I fucked and got pregnant by! Get that through your head because this shit needs to stop!!
Keenon: (mean mugs her) Danae you have no choice but to be with me. We have a son together and nothing is going to change that! You are mine and I am yours so just get used to it!(getting in her face)
Danae: (turning her head) Keenon just leave. Please just leave.
Keenon: (sighs and rubs rubs his face) Fuck it. (Walking off) I will be back for my son.(walking out, speeding off)

After Keenon left, I saw Kash walk out the room. She had a sympathetic look on her face and she slowly walked towards me pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back and held my tears back because I was sick and tired of crying over a nigga that wasn't crying over me.

Kash outfit(top left), Danae outfit(bottom left) and Dre outfit in MM

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