The Foster Kid

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Rebecca Harrison has dealt with more in seventeen years than anyone should in their entire life. After years of foster care, she's finally adopted by her former step-mom, thinking life is finally looking up. She soon realizes though that the man living with them isn't as kind and forgiving as she had thought, and becomes stuck in a world of alcohol and abuse.

After a beating that evokes the need for an alcoholic and sexual escape, Rebecca Harrison finds her escape from reality in her soon-to-be biology teacher. When the two meet again at the beginning of the school year, neither know what to make of the situation. But their conflict with each other is no match for the conflict Rebecca faces with her adoptive father, and the two soon find themselves developing a relationship that tests both of their willingness to let others in.

Though both have entirely different reasons, they find themselves desperate to stay away from each other.

But both soon realize that many things are easier said than done.

The Foster Kid (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now