Chapter Thirty Four

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I stood there in the middle of my dad's kitchen with my arms protectively wrapped around the waist of the brunette behind me, for no particular reason. For a split second, I worried that this was where everything went to shit. But I quickly realized that my dad had already made assumptions about Beca and I, and even though that had been before he knew she was my student, I was positive he wouldn't spill the information.

I was more concerned about the fact that a strange woman's lips had just been on top of his.

"I'm sorry," I said slowly, glaring at him. "What did you just say? I couldn't hear you over the sound of your fucking betrayal to mom."

My dad let out a labored sigh. "Okay.. okay.. let's just.. let's not do this in front of our company, please." He made an attempt at dropping the topic entirely, "It's.. uh.. good to see you again Beca."

She wedged herself farther in between my body and the stove, hiding the fact that she she wasn't wearing pants or a bra. "You too," she squeaked, clearly uncomfortable. "I'm going to go... change," she whispered.

I narrowed my eyes at dad, answering Beca. "I'll come with you."

She stumbled back towards the bedroom with me trailing not far behind her. I closed the door behind me, sitting down on the bed and exhaling. She sat down next to me, her hand landing on the inside of my exposed thigh. "What are you feeling right now?"

"Every negative emotion in the world."

"Yeah that'll certainly ruin a moment," she mumbled. "I... I get why you're upset, but don't you think that was a little harsh?"

I narrowed my eyes immediately, my head slowly turning towards hers. I pushed her hand off my skin. "Harsh? Are you fucking kidding me?"

Her face fell and she seemed regretful. "Now just hold on a minute, okay? Hear me out." She hesitantly reached for my hands, forcing me to look at her as she let one go and brushed a piece of hair out of my face. "You're entitled to feel whatever you want, Dani, and I'm positive your dad understands why you're not happy about this, but do you think it's fair of you to expect him to be alone for the rest of his life?"

"He's not alone," I muttered. "He has me."

Her features softened as she nodded. "Sure, and his two other children. And as much as he loves you, I don't think the happiness you guys can provide him is the same as the happiness he lost when your mom passed away."

"Well that's tough luck then," I said stubbornly.

She searched my eyes. "Do you want your dad to be happy?"

"If being happy means touching other women, then no, I don't think I do."

"Dani," she spoke gently, "I want you to try and see this from his point of view instead of yours. Can you do that for a minute?"

"Why are you defending him? I'm pretty sure I'm the one that had you practically screaming last night, and therefore, I should be the one you're backing up right now."

"As great as you are in bed, that doesn't change the fact that I can imagine what your dad is going through right now. I don't really have to do a whole lot of imagining, actually."

"Oh so you've lost your wife too."

She sighed. "No Dani, I have not. But I lost the closest friend that I've ever had, one that I desperately wanted to love like I'm sure your dad loved your mom."

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