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Hi guys! I'm not even sure if you all still have this in your library, but it's worth a shot!

So here's the thing. I keep going back to TFK to edit, hopefully so I can actually write the sequel, but then I stop, and I wonder.

I've read a lot of bad reviews about books that deal with all the issues TFK does, and I feel like I've fallen into the same trap.

So here's my question:

Does TFK deal with TOO MANY issues? I didn't mean to, but I just realized how much I squeezed in. There's physical abuse, allusions to substance abuse, alcoholism, suicide, death, etc etc.

I know it's depressing, and that's not what I'm worried about. But does it deal with so much, that the issues seem not to matter anymore? Would it be more meaningful if it was, for example, just the abuse? Or does that hurt the development of Beca's character?

It would be incredibly helpful if you guys left your thoughts in the comments! I can't write the sequel until I figure out what to do about this, namely because the sequel would deal a lot with Beca's past, which, as it stands right now, does have to do with a lot of those issues listed. Most particularly the talk of substance abuse and suicide that comes with Quinn's character.

Thanks for the help! As always, it means a lot. I'll hopefully have new stuff for you guys to read soon :)

Overwhelmed by the number of responses in such a short amount of time... much love guys <3 I wasn't searching for 'yes men' if you guys know what I mean, but you all seem very sincere, so thanks :)

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