Safe and Free ~ An Epilogue for Requiem

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Hey guys!! So this is something I wrote as closure for myself after I read Requiem by Lauren Oliver.

I, myself, was not satisfied with the ending, so I wrote a short epilogue... Everything here is based off of Lauren Oliver's books, but everything that I say happens is purely fictional and comes from my imagination.

This is all there is, but I hope you guys enjoy!!!


It has been fourteen years since the antidote for the Cure was perfected, and fourteen years since the government made it optional.

Many people still are fearful of the idea of love, but we don't force it on anyone.

Many people are happy with their lives without the antidote, and we don't pester them. My Aunt Carol and Uncle William are one of these couples. My uncle is open to the idea, but Aunt Carol actively refuses, and has since the antidote was perfected. She believes that the Book of Shhh is our guideline for life, and that there is a reason for having a cure for love.

Everybody is allowed this procedure, and no one is denied.

Luckily, there are no side effects, and everybody who gets the antidote is able to love fully again.

I remember when my sister Rachel agreed to have the cure done. She was fearful of what love could do, but after it was done, I saw the light in her eyes once again that I hadn't seen since before her cure. After this, her husband, too, had the cure done, and they now have grown to fully love each other and love their children.

The Cure is still optional, and some people still choose to have the procedure done. They still have evaluations to determine who they will be with and the possible matches are all cured as well. If people are happy that way, then so be it.

All Alex and I wanted to do was give the people their free will back.


I think back to fifteen years ago when we were part of the Uprising, and think back to our scandalous relationship that no one then knew about.

When the people surged toward the wall and started breaking it down, it was the most beautiful scene. We came together as one body and opened up a world of possibilities.

After the Uprising, the Consortium stepped down, and my mother was offered a job as the new leader. She accepted and began working on the antidote straight away.

Together, the people tore down the wall, and together, they built a new city and re-created the Wilds, but they were not called the Wilds anymore. It was open space, open for all people.

Alex and I were more in love than ever and it still hurt me to think that I had to hurt Julian. After the Uprising, I went to Julian and told him of my feelings. I explained to him that I loved him and would always love him, but that I loved Alex first. Alex was my first love, and that was not something that could be easily replaced. I knew that I had hurt him, but he took it better than I could have ever hoped he would. I remember how he embraced me warmly, and gave me one last, soft peck on the cheek, and then walked away. I went back to Alex then, and our love grew.

One night, about a year after the Uprising, Alex took me for a walk down to Back Cove, the place where he and I were first supposed to meet. He bent down on one knee and asked me if I would marry him, and, as I always knew I would, I said yes.

We were married two months later in a small, but beautiful ceremony. Everybody I loved was there, including Hana, but not Julian. I think it was too much for him. Hana was still cured, and I was trying not to rush her.

When Alex and I came back from our Wedding Trip, we started a wonderful life together. We remained very good friends with Julian and surprisingly, he was very kind to both of us, and I could tell that he was truly happy for us. Or, me at least,

Hana and I were slowly renewing our friendship and she was finally opening up again. She told me how Fred Hargrove was a terrible man. How he threatened her, and how he had his first wife locked up. I never knew any of this, and I still feel terrible to this day, that I couldn't help her.

Two years after Alex and I married, we had our first child, a daughter, whom we named Raven Blue. When I first held her, I grew an even better understanding of how much love effected our lives. Alex and I decided that Hana and Julian should be the godparents, so they both came to see our daughter. When Hana came to the hospital and saw the love that I had for my daughter, she told me that that was what she wanted too. A week later, Hana had the antidote applied, and the cloud was lifted. When Julian came to the hospital and saw Hana for the first time, I saw a spark go ablaze in his eyes. He was more focused on her than he was on Raven. For the first time, I was assured that Julian was able to move past me.

After a few months, Julian and Hana were officially engaged, which was the best kind of news for all of us. They married only weeks later in a very small, very quiet, ceremony. This was for the sake of Hana's sanity. Having a big ceremony reminded her of everything that happened with Fred.

On Raven's second birthday, I announced to everyone that I was having another baby.

Life was perfect and love filled the atmosphere. More people were accepting the antidote, and more people were embracing love.

About seven months into my pregnancy, my mother became very sick and eventually passed away. This was a point in my life where I felt the negative effects of love. It hurt so badly, but I was surrounded by people who loved me, which was all I needed.

Alex was offered the job of taking over for my mother, and he accepted.

We moved into the new 88 Essex Street, since the original was blown up during the Uprising.

Two months after Alex taking on his new position, I gave birth to our new child, but we got a surprise. There were two! Their heart beats were in sink, and I didn't get that much larger. I had another beautiful daughter and a son that looked just like his father. We named them Annabel Grace and Conrad Warren. Just after the twins were born, Hana and Julian had their first child, a son.

Life hasn't been perfect.

Without the Cure, we all feel the pains of love, but we also get to feel its greatness.

It has been fifteen years since the world changed. Fifteen years of good and bad. Fifteen years of hardship and trials, but also fifteen years of everlasting love.

Alex, Julian, Hana and I are are now older and watch our children grow and play... not fearing love, but embracing it.

Love is no longer avoided, it is accepted.

Through ups and downs, trials and heartaches, I would never change anything that happened since we broke down the walls.



Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed!!

I thought to let you know that this is not a full sized book! This is all there is... I just wanted to post something that gave some sort of closure!!

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Check out my fanfiction based on Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series! It's called "Before the Beginning - The Unknown Story of How the Circle Began!" It follows Jocelyn and Valantine.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2013 ⏰

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